The Swamp - I'm getting crushed - ID: 712

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by ColinFredericks on 29/07/2012, 01:48:19

Hi everyone. I've been playing Silversword off and on for a few months now. I was a big fan of Bard's Tale III back in the day, and it's fun to see this retro niche being filled.

I made it to the swamp and the Tarasz dungeon, and I'm getting absolutely crushed by the monsters here. I end up running from 3 out of every 4 fights, and getting half my party stunned by anacondas, Tarasz, etc. the rest of the time. I can only take 2-3 fights tops before I need to build up all my spell points again from casting Restoration and Far Foe. Any advice?

I'm playing with a Warrior, Hunter, Bard, Monk, Rogue, (all 13th / 14th level) and two mages who are both Conjurer/Magician (13th level in one and 12th in the other). Typical AC is -20 after spells, and hit points are in the 230 or 150 range.

How the £@#! did you get so far and still only be level 13/14?

Both times I completed the game I was at least level 18 by that point. No wonder you are having a hard time. Have you already completed the buriel mound, Druids temple and Bandits cave? If not go back. If you have - how?

You need to grind out more levels.

yes, you need more level , and probbably more gear to go there.

Is useless to proceed because you will not survive the castle anyway.

If you didn't clean bandit hidden camp, you should grid some there, with the mobs in the bridge, before killing the boss.

If you already had, than try to farm at least 4 levels

Bandit camp. Got it. I did finish the burial mound and Druid's temple. I don't think I need more gear; I'm not even sure where I would get better gear. I have the best stuff I could buy, and item drops are very low in this game. But I can put my nose to the grindstone. :)

I guess I'm overusing Safe Traveler's Ditty.


Quote from Author: Apriori

I never understood why some players insist that the Bard is vital because of this tune. You can't win if you don't gain levels. You can't gain levels if you don't fight. IMHO playing this tune lets you travel faster between locations but then you have to do more grinding when you arrive.

If the Bard had a tune that attracted more enemys I would play that one.

When you run into a group of non-random monsters, their distances are often still random. If you run away and come back it re-randomizes their distances. This can be very handy when you're facing folks who stun or summon. Traveler's ditty is useful for that.


Quote from Author: ColinFredericks
... I guess I'm overusing Safe Traveler's Ditty.


I never understood why some players insist that the Bard is vital because of this tune. You can't win if you don't gain levels. You can't gain levels if you don't fight. IMHO playing this tune lets you travel faster between locations but then you have to do more grinding when you arrive.
If the Bard had a tune that attracted more enemys I would play that one.

Quote from Author: ColinFredericks
Bandit camp. Got it. I did finish the burial mound and Druid's temple. I don't think I need more gear; I'm not even sure where I would get better gear. I have the best stuff I could buy, and item drops are very low in this game. But I can put my nose to the grindstone. :)

I guess I'm overusing Safe Traveler's Ditty.


well, shops item are usefull only at level 1, or some specific items, but gear comes from drops
drop % are low, that means that you need to fight a lot to get all your (at least) 4 front line toons good weapons and good armor.

Do you have 4 shield ring? do you have all at least steel gear? do you have ogre armor for your war, .. to be honest I doubt..

this is why you are crushed