Stupidity just cost me big time :-( - ID: 1474

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Visstar on 28/04/2017, 22:20:20

After many, many hours of game play (six weeks of earth time and goodness knows how many weeks of Gijatreg time) I made a massive, stupid mistake that cost me very dearly. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I haven't saved since the lava field in the dragon tower. I've mapped a dozen locations and kicked elder creepers, werewolves, dragon guardian police, pirates, a dunkellich, a dain, and I've forgotten what else, and had no trouble at all, but suddenly died walking towards a treasure chest in the southwest of the Shadows of Mar. Just stepped towards it and boom!, a black screen. All that work gone, and no way to recover it. Save often, adventurers. You don't always have a say in whether your party lives or dies.

I just don't know if I have the heart to go on.

Damn. :-(

I'm not nearly as stooopid as I thought. It turns out I explored the Crystal Sea and Tranquil Grove already, and only went back to the Dragon Tower after meeting Draconar and hearing the bit about "shelter to a dragon." So all I have to redo is walking the dragon brat from Castle Cranbourgh to the Crystal Sea, and then, after doing some shopping in the airport -- I mean Gateway to the Planes -- dump it and go back to the swamp. Yay! :D