Stuck in burial mound - ID: 698

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Solovey on 19/06/2012, 20:50:26

Hello adventurers,

Well I seem to be stuck and need a little help. I have made it to the burial mound and made it inside and unlocked the rope and gone to the second level but when I open either of the two doors there I get totally slaughtered and I have not found the silver sickle that I need. Any help would be appreciated.


Same happened to me. Level up! :)

Quote from Author: JoeDu
Same happened to me. Level up! :)

... or you could avoid the fight by finding another way.

I never found one. Both doors have the same unavoidable melee. But, avoiding it only delays your death. The dungeon is filled with encounters of that level, so if you can't defeat the first group, you're not ready for it. That's it's purpose.

Yes but a door is just a hole in a wall. Another hole would be a solution.

I found the door encounters a lot harder than the rest of the encounters on that level. Except that the final fight before going down to the next level was about the same. I used that area to level up until I was ready to proceed.