Spolier... Hlep! - ID: 188

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Titansiege on 14/12/2011, 23:18:05

Right... A some point since getting the full version.. I found a nice shop selling elven and sniper arrows.. With bundles of 40 and 60 i think.... Anyways i cannot for the love of well anything find the darn place again... Im currently exp grinding around savage thingy and the rest point on the island near the grave mound..

So err..? Where is it again?

" no Titan i didnt imagine buying 60 sniper arrows..." " shut up nikkalot afore i stabs ya... Lying bugger"

The shop you're looking for is east of Savage Crossing. Turn south when you reach the first bridge across the water, then look in the wooded area with lots of bushes between the trees.