Spoiler alert - Burial mound level 2 - ID: 702

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Solovey on 24/06/2012, 04:51:37

First thanks to all who helped me get to this point !

I finally made it to the 2nd level in the burial mound and beat the first group of spirit guides and clansmen I have mapped the entire second level checked all chest, etc. but can't seem the silver amulet that I need for you know who. I did find the room with the 8 clansmen and guard to the other door but can't get past them. Am I missing something? Also I notice tables from time to time with little viles or something on them and they can't be investigated....

Any help is appreciated.


Isn't there a battle and hidden door in that room with the statues?
Memory's a bit hazy...