Spoiler-Shard of creation - ID: 297

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Arkad on 03/01/2012, 03:00:06

Stuck at the shard of creation. I can see it but cannot touch. Have search the map numerous times but am stuck any hints would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Arkad,

if you are so close to it you should look for some inscription written on the wall by the clerics of Horon who guarded the shard for centuries.

This should give you a clue.

Theodor Keppler

Thanks for the reply. All I'm seeing is an anvil and some gold marks which I cannot make out. I'm I not seeing the right image.

Ok, I thought there is an inscription... however: You need to get some elemental water to cool down the magma before you can walk to the shard.

It can be found in the sanctuary located in the mines, same map as the shard.

Theodor Keppler


You need to fight all 4 elementals: Fire, Air, Hearth, Water.. the last one will drop what you need.

if you search nearby where you are you will find the 4 areas where fi find their owners

easy, isn't it?


Thanks for all the help. I had missed the water elemental somehow.