Special Items - What Do They Do? - ID: 1494

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Professor1028 on 08/11/2017, 23:32:16

This is a total noob question so try not to laugh, but how do you know what special items do? For example, I found a "Harmonic Gem" and some "Divine Powder", but can't find any way to see what their powers actually are? I'd really rather not use the ol' "use it to figure it out, but lose it" approach. :)


Welcome noob. 8-)

There's a ton of info in this forum, with a search function. In addition, there is a Compendium you can buy with a ton of additional detail you should find useful.

To answer these specific questions:

Divine Powder resurrects a dead character. Oddly, you cannot drop it. There will come a time later in the game when you use divine powder on a healthy character just to get rid of it and free up a slot so you can acquire something else.

A Harmonic Gem restores al of a mage's spell points. Only a magic user who has attained level 13 can use one. Before that they are limited to Harmonic Splinters. Don't waste a Harmonic Gem unless you really need it. If your mage has 200 spell points, don't use the gem until they get down to 10 or so. Remember there are bard songs that heal characters and (later in the game) restore spell points. Spell points also regenerate in daylight.