Silversword 2 - ID: 488

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Nimue on 23/02/2012, 20:27:24

And so it begins :) Good luck Mario, those few glimpses on the video looked great already. Also, I like the idea of going multi-platform, that should increase your fanbase considerably. *clicks to become a fan*

You are on the right track. :) For those whose German is as lacking as mine <URL url=""></URL> gives the English version. There are bits that I am nervous about, but given how you handled Silversword it is easy to look forward to and support your future projects.

Thank you grack :-)

Here is the youtube link to the video where the english subtitles should work: <URL url=""></URL>


youtube is a site that I have not mastered yet. If there ia button for closed captioning I have yet to find it. The first part that is the Silversword 1 Trailer has English writing, but not the recent demo/presentation parts at that link. It is easy enough to get the gist of your presentation after reading your English page though. And certainly the graphics shown in the demo are attractive and easy on the eyes.
I wish you well,

Well, 37 fans to go in 21 days, that should be possible. I'm off to my RPG session now, and I'll spread the word there and apply some gentle pressure ;)

After watching the direction the gaming industry is taking these days, it's really refreshing to see someone starting a project to develop the game they themselves want to play. Btw, Mario, how do you plan to distribute the new game? For mobile platforms the answer is obvious, but how about the PC version? I sure hope you're not going to tie it to Steam, as seems to be the fashion lately.

Interesting video. The graphics you propose are pretty and well worth playing the game. Oblivion and Skyrim might have you beat but they probably have 100 times your budget. And your game has the potential of doing something they have not -- having a game with these quality of graphics and a multi-character party. That's missing from all modern games. MMORGs aren't the same thing at all.

I think you want to keep the party aspect in Silversword 2 in order to be a different genre of game from Oblivion or Skyrim.