Shield of refraction - ID: 1661

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Taverdweller on 20/05/2021, 03:20:15

It’s been a few weeks since I last played, so some of my facts might not be accurate.
I had the shield of refraction and used it correctly but I made a mistake and now it’s seems I am stuck.

Both levers on the plane of fire are stuck leaning to the right.
After I put the Shield on the thing and got blasted, recovered and went north. Got beat up bad and ran.
Now I no longer have the shield and when I go north I get bounced back.

Did you find the spot where you have to place the disruptor? And did you defeat the android ME-262 or something?

As for the disrupter

As best as I can remember, I used the disrupter on the planes of fire. In the south west corner.
Since I made it to the command center, doesn’t that mean I used the disrupter ?

My memory is pretty hazy but this might help:

<URL url="">[url=]]]</URL>

I forget what does what, but you need two levers, the shoaled, the disruptor, and the four wind controls in the Silver Mountains.