Second level of Burial mound - ID: 499

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Zonaree on 28/02/2012, 00:15:27

On the second level of the burial mound I've been everywhere i can think of but can't figure out how to unblock the door from the 3rd level. Also I can't beat the 2 packs of monsters behind the two doors they always beat me on initiative and with in the first round kill most of my party. Also what do i do with the room with 6 brazers in it? I clicked on them once and now it just says the flame licks in my direction. Also is there a way to detect which walls will let me shatter and which wont? I waste a lot of mana knocking on various walls.

So i managed to get down into the third level with out having to fight those two huge fights and got the sickle now i need to figure out how to survive the tunnel i found always end up getting killed with the bigger and bigger groups in it.

Had the same problem. Did some decent leveling and managed to survive the fight. Farther Foe helped a lot....and i needed one time the divine restoration....made it with level 12 for the fighters at the end. After the mound they went up close to 15 :shock:

I've managed to complete the Burial mound now i'm lost as far as which to do next the lost temple or bandits cave. with the lost temple i seem to get to what appears to be the end but end up getting thrashed by the darkness area that steals mana and deals damage.

the bandits cave just seems to big for my group. Prob going to have to restructure it soon which kinda sucks but prob so does my group setup :P