Salutations - ID: 168

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Brastius on 30/11/2011, 02:11:03

Hey! As others have said before, this is a game whose time has come. I really appreciate the time and effort put forth into the making of such a blast from the past.

There are a couple of things I would like to see, and I hope you'll indulge me.

First of all, I keep looking around for the Energy Emporium but I can't find it. Some enterprising mage out there is leaving money on the table by not addressing the needs of other magic users who are low on energies.

Also, I would like to second (or third, or fourth) the possibility of adding some editing functionality to the map. Being able to mark down dark areas, traps, and spinners as I find them would be great, since my memory is not.

I saw that there is a recall spell, but I didn't see a targeted teleport in the game. Is this possible? I'd like to be able to leave the dungeon to sell or level up, then go directly to the area or level I need to without having to wade through the intervening mobs.

These are just a couple of ideas I kicked around while playing the game. I can't tell you how great it is to see something like this finally come out for the iPhone/ iPad and I can't wait for the full version to come out.

Hello Brastius!

Thank you very much for your suggestions.
The enterprising mage is awaiting you in the full version. He didn't make it to the ruin camp for the roads are quite too dangerous. But as soon as you reach the next Coaching Inn, you will surely get a means to have your mana filled up :-)

Map enhancements won't make it to the full version, sorry. But they are on my update list and may come a bit later.

Targeted Teleport will not be possible in the game -for now-. It might come in a future update, together with some more quests and dungeons. But I hope you will like the full version nonetheless.


Having battled past the Guardians of the Grove, I can confirm that you will indeed meet a familiar face in the next part of the game who can help you with your spell point needs!

Quote from Author: icetear

The enterprising mage is awaiting you in the full version. He didn't make it to the ruin camp for the roads are quite too dangerous. But as soon as you reach the next Coaching Inn, you will surely get a means to have your mana filled up :-)

Map enhancements won't make it to the full version, sorry. But they are on my update list and may come a bit later.

Sounds great, thanks for the info! Oh, and thanks for the latest update, too. I didn't have as much time to play around with it as I'd like yet, but so far it looks good. Among other things, spells are effective again, much to the relief of my magic users. Rotten Rats, beware  ;)

<QUOTE>[quote]I hope you will like the full version nonetheless.

Are you kidding? I'd pay money for what you have now.

<QUOTE>[quote]Having battled past the Guardians of the Grove, I can confirm that you will indeed meet a familiar face in the next part of the game who can help you with your spell point needs!

Thanks Calmrider, now I have another reason to brave the Grove again after the full version comes out. And may I say that I have read of your own adventures and am *Extremely* jealous. My party's encounter with the Guardians was not even close to fair. Think reverse hedge trimming, only with more laughter and name-calling.

It did take me a few tries to beat the guardians and a bit of luck with critical hits early on, but the glimpse I've had into the wider game looks very cool. It even got me playing bt3 again while I wait for the full release!

I am so looking forward to the full version. I've got all my characters to level 6 and three are ready for level 7. Even just the lite version is an awesome game. The things done in the last update were good. There aren't many ipad rpg games I've enjoyed this much. Maybe I'll get an itunes gift card for christmas (or finally get employed so I can buy my own card). Can't hurt to hope. Keep up the good work developers!