SAGA RPG for iOS & Google Play - ID: 1596

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by chrlpolk on 10/10/2019, 20:42:38

This game feels like the first Dragon Warrior game for the NES. Single character, simple rescue story, but a bit difficult/grindy. Graphics are like early Ultima games.

There is also a sequel (Saga RPG 2: Evolution), same style and graphics but extended world map. You have to play the first game to understand the references.

The games are free, made by iDurocher Technology, LLC. It is available on the App Store and Google Play,

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Well... just played up to level 4.

I can't imagine why the developer put ads in the game? Does he really think that he will earn money with that when the game lacks even the slightest love and dedication?

Not everything that is poorly designed should be called "retro" ;-)

kind regards

Yowza! Maybe I shouldn't have sent you that idea I had for more Silversword content! (Don't be too harsh, LOL)

Yeah, it's old cheese. NPC's (stand over them and press "go") remind you to equip your items and tells you it sucks that you don't get as much for items as you paid for them, but if you're not using them anymore, it's better than nothing! Back in the day when RPG's spoon-fed basics to you. Sorry you didn't find it appealing. I liked it, for its nostalgic charm. Of course, I loved those Wizardry clones and the graphics there are basically lines!