Ruby and diamond drop frequency? - ID: 1399

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Seeing-Eye Dragon on 02/10/2015, 14:48:40

I understand I need to find rubies to get to a certain map. I'll not go into detail to avoid spoilers. They seem pretty hard to come by though. Are there places where they drop more than others? Do they become more frequent as you progress through the game?

The last time I started a new game they were pretty common in the early maps. If you don't have ten rubies yet try those early areas a bit more, unless item drops have changed again...

I think there may be a fixed number of rubies in the game. I have fought 90 million XP of enemies since defeating Maruziel, and have not found one ruby.

No, that's not the case. As elsewhere stated, rubies drop as random loot everywhere.
The problem is, that the loot table gets bigger with the map level - the chance to get rubies is best on the starter maps *hint*

kind regards