Rogue, Bard and Paldain upgrade suggestions - ID: 535

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Tagu on 13/03/2012, 08:48:55

To improve the rogue I suggest giving them a stunning blow skill. It checks every time the rogue attacks (any time hidden or not) against the rogue skill, if this succeeds when that o foe is STUNED for 1d4 rounds + 1 round per 5 levels the rogue has. Like one of you PC bringing STUNED the foe cannot attack nor cast spell nor call for help and advances with his group.

To improve bards I suggest giving them additional songs that can only be used in battle. In Bard's tale series a song used in combat only lasted 1 round but had a greater effect and did not interrupt the song from outside of combat. I can suggest two song right now:

1) Hero's Stand: this song improves everyones THAC0 by 1% + 1 per every 5 level of the bard for the following round.
2). Swashbucklers dance: this improves the PC AC by 1 + 1 per every 5 levels of the bard for the following round.

To improve Paldins I suggest giving them a skill called Turn Undead. This would give the paldin an extra option during combat. When used the Paldins targets a group of monsters, the skill is checked against each and those the paldin success against become panicked and flee the fight. The party should get XP but not GP for those fleeing undead.

The second suggestion is to create a weapon for the paldin; their ultimate weapon the Holy Advenger. When a paladin is wielding a holy Advenger the party gains a bonus to SV of 1 per 5 levels of the paldin plus a bonus for what rune it has.

Hello Tagu,

thank you very much for your great suggestions!
I will evaluate them for the first major expansion.

As for the Paladin: There are already 2 Paladin Only weapons ingame, that are very powerful (all you have to do is finding them ;-) )


Quote from Author: icetear

As for the Paladin: There are already 2 Paladin Only weapons ingame, that are very powerful (all you have to do is finding them ;-) )

Oh yes, they are - the only problem is to decide which one to use once you've found both of them ;)

I have yet to find either. Just found the stone blade, unimpressed with the 0d0+1 damage.

Another idea is for a high level bard horn that does not have charges. It instead uses the bard's songs per day to power it.

My party is trying to figure out the clue left after the destruction on the hidden temple. The bard is 52 or 53 level and never uses up his daily songs before leveling now.

The weapon that I think that you're referring to is actually pretty powerful.

The stone blade doesn't need to do damage of the usual kind, after all it is "Bathed in Medusa's blood" - if you're not up on your Greek mythology then have a look at this:

<URL url=""></URL>

Key is the following: "Gazing directly upon her would turn onlookers to stone."

Medusa blood was a poison if I rember correctly. Have not sold the weapon yet. I will have to play around with it some.

Quote from Author: Tagu
Medusa blood was a poison if I rember correctly. Have not sold the weapon yet. I will have to play around with it some.

You really don't want to sell this one - it's one of the best weapons in the game. Don't be fooled by the low damage...

No I have not sold it. The paldin is running around with it and my bard is using the silversword.