Recent used / most frequent used spells options - ID: 337

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Nikademus on 08/01/2012, 23:54:45

There are loads of spells in this game, which is great.

However, in combat your often scrolling through many trying to find Sodars Wrath, or some other spell towards the end of your list.

I think it would be good to have the most recent 3 or maybe 5 spells at the top of the list perhaps?

Hi Nikademus,

this way perhaps...?

<ATTACHMENT filename="Bildschirmfoto 2012-01-10 um 16.10.34.png" index="0">[attachment=0]Bildschirmfoto 2012-01-10 um 16.10.34.png[/attachment]</ATTACHMENT>



THat would be fantastic Mario - just what I was thinking!

Ahh the convenience of forsight! That is sweet!

Confirmed in last update !! Just Great :mrgreen:

PS : And the map loading time in tarasz passage are now also great !!!

Quote from Author: Cordalinge
Confirmed in last update !! Just Great :mrgreen:

PS : And the map loading time in tarasz passage are now also great !!!

Thank you - I have one sorting issue at the moment, as you will see. The last spell should be inserted at the top - this will work with the next update.


Is it too much asking for 5 spells ?

what others think ?

PS :

Quote from Author: icetear
Quote from Author: Cordalinge
Thank you - I have one sorting issue at the moment, as you will see. The last spell should be inserted at the top - this will work with the next update.



It's really's frequent i switch between curing, hailstorm, and minor damage spells for finish...seeing them even in disorder is not really a problem...but putting farther foe, and one :lol:

Quote from Author: icetear
Quote from Author: Cordalinge
Confirmed in last update !! Just Great :mrgreen:

PS : And the map loading time in tarasz passage are now also great !!!

Thank you - I have one sorting issue at the moment, as you will see. The last spell should be inserted at the top - this will work with the next update.



May not matter to everyone but yeah!

Edit*** as far as more spells i could use more. Its still pretty good though.

+1 for 5 most frequent used spells