Questions - ID: 1229

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Utopian on 22/09/2013, 07:24:35

How does poisoned work
What weapons are Specifically for 1 class

How do I get to the

[wweapons shop/spoiler]in the deeper forest?

Ill post more soon


1. Creatures and characters poisoned in combat take damage at the end of each combat round. Outside of combat, poisoned characters take damage every tick of the game (I'm assuming) which is several seconds.

2. There are some obvious ones, like Thief Dagger is for rogues. But the list is long; if you buy the Compendium you can see a extensive list of items including which class they are designed for.

3. The

weapons shop

in the Deeper Forest is

in the south-west quarter, toward the bottom. It's not hidden, you just have to weave through the trees until you spot it.

I hope this helps.

How do I get 500000 gold that I bought its not in my inventory or at a bank

Hello Utopian,

this might be a problem with the Apple Store.
Can you tell me what happens when you hit the BUY button?

If nothing happens, just try to repeat this process later.
If all else fails, send me your iTunes receipt for the purchase along with your save game (you can do this via the e-mail function in the help section of the game), and I will modify your game accordingly.

Kind regards

Dw it's fixed but how do I spend it?

Just use the "bag of xxx gold" and the gold will be added to your character.

Kind regards


Quote from Author: Utopian
Dw it's fixed but how do I spend it?

How do you spend it? On shoes, hats, and fancy dog-carriers of course! :lol:


Hour does ageing work?

Aging = OLD status. All your stats will be reduced to 1, this affects of course your AC, toHit, Damage etc.
Can be cured with certain spells or in a temple.

Kind regards


I can't find the preastests hut in the swamp I've explored all the north boarder of the swamp I've delivered the Orc scalps May I have a hint to Where it is plz

If you could walk thru objects, the priestess' hut is

2steps east and 5 steps north

of the Deeper Forest entrance to the swamps. It is labeled Tarasz Passage.


I'm stuck in the sewers now I'm at 11/24 but am blocked from going south I found the side passage with magic mouth and a door that I can't gothough I can't answer magic mouth is it the only way to get into the city?

You get to the city from a ladder just west of 14/13. Or from inside the Thieves Guild.

Whitch blocked path is open by the shard of spirit the 2 in the south of savage crossing don't work and I haven't found any other places

You need to create the Silversword to open the passage where it smells links sulfur. Once you have all the shards, you need to go back to the temple in the Sewers. Approach it cautiously or your party might die.

You cannot open the other one. It is a secret passage used by the escort service going between the thieves' hideout and Savage Crossing.

How do I get to dwarfs mountain though?

Dw I found the lost forests map do I literally have to kill all river trolls?