Prowlers ate my baby (and crashed my iPad) - ID: 1228

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by MightyOgre on 21/09/2013, 02:07:18

There I was, faced with "a great evil," when darkness descended. Gearing up to fight this infamous battle took a long time, but the battle was epic. After almost 30-45 minutes of this singular combat, I had killed about 7 of the beasts, with about 4 times that many to go. But I was in it for the long haul. Bards replenishing spell points, cunning use of consumables, swapping in and out the wounded from the front lines. "I can win this" I thought.

Then...I was staring at my iPad home screen. Crashed. The battle was not lost, it was as if it had never begun. Was it a dream? My scream of frustration and rage certainly was real.

Silversword is my favorite iPad game by far. And the many crashes are tolerable, and I save often. This was just so may take a day or two before I can face that battle again.

I am very sorry that the game crashes very often, and I can feel your frustration :-(

I am already trying to change the combat system internally, so that huge battles are no longer using too much memory.

Kind regards

Mario, sir, you have nothing to apologize for! Silversword is so much fun, and your constant attention keeps it alive.

I'll spend my time grinding out levels and gear in smaller battles until perhaps I can face those evil, evil iPad crashers again! :)

Thanks for the great game!

Just a thought, when my iPad crashes while playing, I do a reset (the one that does not erase any data). This seems to free more memory and let me proceed from the crash point. It's a pain resetting all my iPad custom settings, of which I made a list to follow each time, but does allow me to progress in Mario's very excellent game.

Quote from Author: wizardz
Just a thought, when my iPad crashes while playing, I do a reset (the one that does not erase any data). This seems to free more memory and let me proceed from the crash point.

Thanks, Wiz. I'll keep that in mind if I get really stuck again. I usually can move forward after a crash, and frequent saves has spared me the usual heart break. But after fighting that big prowler fight for 3/4 of an hour, using tedious (but fun) tactics, the crash was extra brutal. I was able to reload and run from the fight no problem. But I am scared to invest the energy into the fight until I am pretty sure I can get through it. :)