Printing out the compendium - ID: 244

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by thepunisher17397 on 26/12/2011, 20:11:57

Is there a way to print out the compendium? I'm a bit old fashioned in that I like having the spell list/descriptions etc in hard copy when I do some gaming.


Hello Paul,

iTunes will allow you to download the Compendium as a PDF file.
Just open iTunes, go to your Apps section and select Silversword from the App Sharing window. You will find your savegames as well as the Manual / Compendium.


Mario, could you make the item and monster lists available as .CSV or other file type that could be easily imported into excel? I know this is geeky of me but I would love to be able to sort and filter the item list to quickly identify what the best weapons and armor would be for each character each time I come across a pile of new loot. I waste a ton of time clicking through to each individual character and item and trying to optimize my inventory.

Quote from Author: Tbone
Mario, could you make the item and monster lists available as .CSV or other file type that could be easily imported into excel? I know this is geeky of me but I would love to be able to sort and filter the item list to quickly identify what the best weapons and armor would be for each character each time I come across a pile of new loot. I waste a ton of time clicking through to each individual character and item and trying to optimize my inventory.

You've got a PM.


yeah it seams like useful thing!

Ooo... Can I get an item list too?


I'm also interested :)


I will try to include the item list in the compendium in a way where you can copy and paste it into excel.



Quote from Author: icetear

iTunes will allow you to download the Compendium as a PDF file. Just open iTunes, go to your Apps section and select Silversword from the App Sharing window. You will find your savegames as well as the Manual / Compendium.

Mario - perhaps it's because iTunes has been upgraded a few times since your original post, but I cannot find the Compendium (or saves, or any other individual file) through iTunes. I'm another one who'd like to use it in a separate PDF reader so I can refer to it while I play (and without losing my page each time I leave it). Is there a more modern explanation on how to download it directly from iTunes/App Store?

Thanks again for essentially bringing Bard's Tale (one of my all-time favorite CRPGs) back to me. :D


Using iTunes, I can confirm that you can still access the game's files via iTunes File Sharing.
The compendium should be there, along with your saved games.

First check, if you find the files. If there is no compendium PDF along with these files, please try to use the "Restore Purchases" button from within the game's shop. That should copy the compendium to that directory again.

kind regards

i found it. Thank you!