Paladin hits (DONE) - ID: 1068

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by wizardz on 16/04/2013, 17:26:35

It would be nice if the Paladin's number of hits were listed at the bottom of the combat stats page (or somewhere).

Hi Craig,

yes, this information is missing yet.
I will add it asap :-)

Thank you for reminding me
Kind regards


What would you think of making each attack for the paladin and warrior have its own roll, rather than always having an all or nothing result?

This would make things complicated and change the combat system.
I will think about this but there are some factors that have to be taken into account:

- special weapon effects (stone, poison, paralyse etc.) may fire upon each single attack
- exceptional damage on enemies with high AC will become very rare, this will probably make some encounters much more difficult

Kind regards

I'm not sure it's wise just that its worth considering. At high level you will nearly always hit anyway. My lvl 53 warrior has a thac0 of -62. But it would make it much rarer to get a huge result at levels 5-20 which I think would make that section of the game more exciting. And stone is automatic, I'm not aware of poison or paralyze weapons that warriors or paladins can wield. It's probably not worth the effort but only you can decide that...