Option to turn on Full HP upon Level? - ID: 342

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by thecatdad on 11/01/2012, 00:01:28

My first play through I decided to level up without saving/reloading in order to get more hit points. As a result, my party was VERY underpowered by level 9 and I couldn't progress very far. My second play through I am using the saving/reloading method and I find the game much more manageable. With all that said, what do you think of adding an option to turn on full HP on level?

Thanks for listening!!! I'm LOVING this game!


I second that !

Saving/Reloading to get acceptable HP is not where the fun of the game is. Maybe we could also have an option for an "acceptable" amount of spellpoints too ?

Struggling for an acceptable amount of HP and SP is for me a part of the game  :)

That's why we're asking for an option to turn it on or off.
So everybody will be happy ;)