One Character Party? - ID: 1463

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Joe99 on 09/02/2017, 19:18:19

Is it possible to play through the game with only one character? If so, which race and class would be best? I realize that the game was designed to be party based, but I thought it might be interesting to try it with only one character, particularly since one character would level up much more quickly. If one character just won't work, due to the need for certain skills and spells at various points in the game, what is the absolute minimum number of characters you need, and which races and classes?

You can probably do it with 2. You'll need an Archmage and a Dragon Caster at least. Even so, some battles will be very hard. Try small characters that gain AC every five levels. A master thief might be good until you defeat M.

Thank you for the response. Your answer confirms what I've been able to gather from some of the other posts. It seems like it's possible to complete the base game (not the expansion) with one magic-user (who will eventually be upgraded to an Archmage) and one fighter-type, who can eventually wield the silversword (I chose a Paladin). Hopefully, I chose my two characters wisely, since I'm already well into the game - I'm currently at Bandits Cave.

I assume your comment regarding a Dragon Caster is referring to the expansion - Rise of the Dragons. If I finish the base game and get to the expansion, hopefully my two characters will be sufficient to complete the expansion as well.