OK. Now I am confused. - ID: 1013

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Azureth on 30/12/2012, 21:00:31

First off, a huge thank you to Mario for making this fantastic game. I did a 21 day ocean crossing last year and have Silversword to thank for not being bored!

I have a question regarding stats, specifically Int and Con. I have read that it doesn't make sense to raise Int past 25 for mages because you stop getting the mod bonus. Does this mean that you would build a Mage up to higher level that might have 40+ dex, luck, str but only 25 int and con? This seems so counter-intuitive to me and I cringe every time I give my arch age a secondary stat instead of int. I just want to make sure that I allocate points that will actually do something.

I think I might be missing something. Can someone help this girl out?

With the addition of stat caps, the guidelines have changed slightly, for some at least.

For magic users, first you need hit points. These come from CN with max available when you get to CN 24. Note: you cannot increase secondary stats, which CN is for a magic user, past 18, until all secondary stats are 18 and both primary stats are 25. Initially, run CN to 18.

Second you want spell points. These come from IQ. Run IQ to 24 where you get max SP.

Now you need ST to 18, DX to 25, IQ to 25, LK to 18. (CN should already be 18.) You can do these in any order, so take them as they come.

Next raise CN to 24 to get max HP. Then raise CN to 25 so you can raise the other stats.

Next raise DX to 40. The higher the DX the sooner in a round that character strikes (or casts).

Now raise the other stats to their maxes in any order to get to ST 30, (DX 40), CN 30, IQ 40, LK 30. After that, each level gets you SP and HP but no further Stat points. In this phase some like to raise LK first because that sometimes affects saves and other rolls, but I just take the increases as they happen for this phase.

For Paladins the advice is similar but simpler since CN is primary for them: run CN to 24, then IQ to 24, then any order ST 18 / DX 18 / CN 25 / IQ 25 / LK 18, then DX 30 / ST 30, then rest to maxes.

For non casters you get the idea: get CN to 24 as soon as you can, then focus on DX and ST, then raise the rest to their maxes.

Thank you for the clarity.