Not sure what I should be doing - ID: 238

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by ProjectGSX on 26/12/2011, 06:08:03

I've been playing for a few days now and I'm not sure where I should be going. I've been in the tower, the crypt and a dungeon. I have the tower key and the crowbar. Where should I be going next?

First of all: Welcome to the board.

If you checked the tower in the mountain ridge you should have a log entry that will help you what to do next.

-Theodor Keppler

Quote from Author: Theodor Keppler
First of all: Welcome to the board.

If you checked the tower in the mountain ridge you should have a log entry that will help you what to do next.


-Theodor Keppler

Thanks, I missed that.