New adventurer questions - ID: 1534

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by ThomasBlack21 on 12/03/2018, 23:15:31

Hello all,

I’ve recently bought this game, having played Bards Tale in the old days, and a few years back on the iPad, and I have to say I’m very happy with my purchase. I’m greatly enjoying this, and can say that the interface and whole presentation is far better than the iPad version of Bards Tale. I also enjoy the mix of Dungeons and countryside wandering, so overall I’m addicted!

A couple of newbie questions that I haven’t manage to find answers to using Google, hopefully someone can help.

I’m playing a ranged Hunter but have found that arrows are not retrieved like other thrown weapons. Is that intentional and if so, where can I buy more, so I’m not out of ammo when trying to shoot at a far placed igniter?

Also, I noticed that the racial skills stopped increasing after my Magic Users changed class. I went from Conjuror to Magician to Sorcerer, but my Gnome is stuck at +2 AC even though I have gained multiple levels. Again, is this international or a bug?


You are right, you don't get arrows back. They are considered expendables, like torches. They are in scarce supply for a big chunk of the game at the beginning. The only places I know of to get a steady supply are the armor shop in Cranbourgh and a shop in the Deeper Forest east of Savage Crossing. Once you make it to Savage Crossing, head east immediately and explore the deeper forest. You'll appreciate the sniper arrows — they are not only better than the cheap ones at Cranbourgh, but they come in quivers of 60 instead of 20. Also, watch for elven arrows, which you will find occasionally after encounters.

Thank you for this. I found the shop and it sells sniper and Elven arrows at reasonable prices! :)

Now I can deal with those Igniters...

Do you get the same thing with the race stats of your Magic users?

There are also Heartwood Arrows (I think that's the spelling), that come in stacks of 100. But you have to find them, you can't buy them.

My Hunter is a Barbarian, but I keep a good bow and a stash of arrows for times when I really feel the need to critically hit something at a long range. For closer range combat, I use a Lance (30' range melee weapon). For repetitive farming of low-threat enemies, just give your ranged Hunter a melee weapon, he won't be quite as accurate but it doesn't use ammo. Or a stack of throwing weapons also works.

Racial attributes go up every 5 levels, but only count your highest level achieved. If you get up to level 15 and then change class, you'll keep the +3 bonus you already earned, but won't go up to +4 until you reach level 20 in your new class. Or the class after that if you change again before level 20. Eventually you'll reach level 20 anyway, as even casters need quite a few endgame levels to get their health pools up enough to survive later fights.

Quote from Author: ThomasBlack21
Now I can deal with those Igniters...

Oh, you're going to love finding your first Sorcerer's Hood!  :)

And once you've found the Stone Blade, go look for the Bone Arrows!

Thank you both, it really clarifies things a lot!

At the moment i’m Grinding the bandits’ lair to get my Sorcerers to level 20. Then I will set off for the Loch and what clues I may find.

I did clear the Ridge though, apart from the hidden hideout, and got me an Andursteel Katana for one of my warriors. Good weapons are hard to find at this stage, and this one is the best I got to date. I’m refraining from clearing up the Goblin king in the hideout in case battles stop respawning and I miss out on the chances of exp and items.  :)

Really addictive game, I have to say!

Quote from Author: ThomasBlack21
I’m refraining from clearing up the Goblin king in the hideout in case battles stop respawning and I miss out on the chances of exp and items.  :) Really addictive game, I have to say!

IIRC the best encounter (fixed with Stosstruppen) disappears when you finish cleaning out the Bandit's Cave. Farming now will help you later, but it's not essential.

Re. "Addictive" -- Agreed! :D