Need help with Watchtower Tunnel - ID: 354

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Azureth on 14/01/2012, 04:36:37

Hello! Before I ask my question, I want to tell you how much fun I am having with this game! I used to play Everquest & Dragonrealms long ago and have since been searching for that initial high. Your game is the closest I've found to getting it on the Ipod, so thanks!

I'm stuck in the watchtower tunnels and cannot figure out how to get through the secret wall. If anyone has any tips I would really appreciate it.


Same problem. Great game but have gone through the entire game three times and can't seem to find a way through the tunnels. Secret door won't open. Love to play more but not worth repeating a fourth time.

Have you brought the rusty bar found in the underground crypts? (BTW do not go past the, somewhat nearby, guardians of the grove until the update comes out.)

I'm assuming the watchtower you are asking about is the one with the scratchy noises outside. If you are at the spot where you get told about the hollow sound you'll need to pry (use item) at that spot with the bar.

You'll need to become more descriptive of which place has you stymied to get more helpful responses. :\ Few people have finished the game yet. While many are willing to help, we lack confidence that we have come across every hidden pocket. Mario excels at hiding stuff. The characters do develop detection skills,so going back over areas i had thought cleared has paid off. So please elaborate on where you are stuck to get better help.

Thanks. Eventually found it on my own. Have managed fairly well once that problem was overcome. Love the game, especially when the characters become more powerful so that they can venture a bit more afield in relative safety.

Quote from Author: grackle
Have you brought the rusty bar found in the underground crypts? (BTW do not go past the, somewhat nearby, guardians of the grove until the update comes out.)

I'm assuming the watchtower you are asking about is the one with the scratchy noises outside. If you are at the spot where you get told about the hollow sound you'll need to pry (use item) at that spot with the bar.

You'll need to become more descriptive of which place has you stymied to get more helpful responses. :\ Few people have finished the game yet. While many are willing to help, we lack confidence that we have come across every hidden pocket. Mario excels at hiding stuff. The characters do develop detection skills,so going back over areas i had thought cleared has paid off. So please elaborate on where you are stuck to get better help.


Can't find the hollow sound at all?

I could swear i've been everywhere.

Any clue for a fustrated adventurer? Is it in the tower and tunnel or in the first cave or second.

Great game btw, really takes me back to the Spectrum days. :D

Well after you headed south from the first tunnel and came to the water with the guys jeering at you. If you have a rogue I don't think that you'll need to bang the walls to get the message, walking along them seems to be enough.

Thanks. I don't have a thief and I've been through that area a fair number of times and not noticed the hollow sound. I'll check it out again in more detail. Thanks again.

The conjurer's minor revelation perhaps. It is well away from the first water sighting and within, i would guess, 20 steps from the boat.

I'm stuck in the same spot. I found the hallow spot along the wall NP but where the heck is the "underground crypts"? Is that the first dungeon with the ghost warriors and the buzzilian rats you fight a the end (near the first city), or is it the second dungeon with the strange plant quest item at the bottom, or did I miss it? Rechecked both, and when I map inside them nether ones called "underground crypts".

Did you ever walk along the outside castle walls and find a spot that was different? After you check that out try going right through trees from there. There are far more than the scrubby ones that don't always block you. (Speaking of trees: Beware of the Guardians of the Grove. You will want to be level 10ish before considering messing with those guys.) The crypt is the 2nd small building over that way.

Quote from Author: Wildchild
I'm stuck in the same spot. I found the hallow spot along the wall NP but where the heck is the "underground crypts"? Is that the first dungeon with the ghost warriors and the buzzilian rats you fight a the end (near the first city), or is it the second dungeon with the strange plant quest item at the bottom, or did I miss it? Rechecked both, and when I map inside them nether ones called "underground crypts".

Go to where the hollow spot along the wall is, and walk into the tree that is opposite it.

Also, if you have a level 5 conjuror with the spell
Minor revelation, it will help you see where the hidden/fake
Trees are located

Can anyone provide a screenshot of the Crypt location? Thx

Found it, thx :mrgreen:

Quote from Author: grackle
Did you ever walk along the outside castle walls and find a spot that was different? After you check that out try going right through trees from there. There are far more than the scrubby ones that don't always block you. (Speaking of trees: Beware of the Guardians of the Grove. You will want to be level 10ish before considering messing with those guys.) The crypt is the 2nd small building over that way.

I have found the west wall and the trees to the right of it that you can walk through, but it doesn't lead to any buildings or crypts, I cant find the crypt arrrrgh

Yeap it does, be persistent.

Joined clearings to the south and east mostly.

Do run away if you meet the tree guardians.
