Need help finding Level 3 Alchemy spell Far Death - ID: 1535

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Visstar on 13/03/2018, 18:17:00

After a clever trick (*) I got my Alchemist bard enough points to use Level 3 spells. I grabbed "Divine Dust" OK but I can't figure out where to get "Far Death." The manual says it's in Druid's Grove, but I've been there dozens of times and never found an Alchemy school.

Any hints?

  • once I realized the only use for Charcoal was to cast the spell Fireflies, which you can cast any time, anywhere, I stood in the middle of Watertop casting it over and over until I was out of ingredients.

Found it! Man, those Alchemists are weird! A training center that only teaches a single spell, and not only in a completely remote location, but INVISIBLE, even after you have visited it! :oops:

Quote from Author: Visstar
Found it! Man, those Alchemists are weird! A training center that only teaches a single spell, and not only in a completely remote location, but INVISIBLE, even after you have visited it! :oops:

Any details? I'd love to know where to learn that one too.

It is:

between three trees due east of the statue.

BTW Mario, this would make a nice quest for an expansion: scatter some new spells for all the classes (Conjurer, Wizard, DC, etc.) all over the map. Make people revisit the Silver Mountains, Ridge Fault, Coastal Lands, etc.

P.S. Mario, here are some ideas for new spells:

Magician: Sanity. Keeps party members sane in an insane location and prevents characters from going nuts due to enemy attack. Discussed in the thread "Flooded Isles expansion."

Conjurer: Repel Missiles. Blocks all enemy missiles (javelins, death starts, arrows, etc.) -- useful against the 100+ Marksmen you will meet as you try to invade an enemy fort to free enslaved Komkarthians.

Sorcerer: Confusion. Confuses enemies, sometimes causing them to not attack or to attack illusory or duplicate members of the party. Cost: 200 HP.

Dragoncaller: Astral Plane. The caster appears to vanish from enemy eyes and increases the efficacy of his or her attacks or allows multiple attacks/spells in one round. Eventually it would allow the caster to take the party to a higher plane where they can easily travel around insurmountable physical barriers on the normal plane, such as walls. Unfortunately, strange new new enemies untouchable by physical weapons live on the higher plane.

Dragoncaller: Stoning. Causes one member of an opposing group to turn to stone. (Inspired by Crumble.)

Dragoncaller: Tsunami. Like the attack Asphygyr (?) uses, it swamps enemies in water, causing 2-400 HP damage and possibly interrupting their attacks for one round. For use only near a large body of water.

Paladin: Repel Evil. Attacking demons and undead flee or take up to 200 HP of damage per round.

Wizard: Teleport. Similar to Travel to Beacon, but instead instantly teleports the party to a new location up to 100' away. Be careful not to appear in the middle of a tree or stone wall! Cost: 300 SP.

Archmage: Apocalypse. Wreaks havoc among all enemies the way Mage Maelstrom does to enemy magic users, causing death, madness, paralysis, or up to 4,000 HP of damage. Cost: 800 SP.

These could be learned in obscure training centers, like the one under the Dragon Grave, or in dusty old chests scattered in the Silver Mountains, Tranquil Grove, etc., or hidden in the remains of long dead wizards (like finding the bard song "Battle Song").

And a new Bard song: Charm Monsters. Any attacking monster that fails its saving throw could be hypnotized (fail to attack or defend, making them sitting ducks), captivated (forced to join the party), or confused (forced to attack other monsters instead of you).