Miner’s Deep Level 4 - ID: 1550

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Logan459 on 06/08/2018, 04:08:23

Twice now, I’ve been running around Miner’s Deep looking for the entrance to L5 when my party starts losing hit points for no apparent reason. The first time, I caught it in time and my paladin lived long enough to get back to the magic fountain on L1 and revive everyone. I then left and saved. (Playing on Legend mode.) This second time, i was trying to heal in time and suffered a total party kill. What am I missing? Where is the entrance to L5? Why must I suffer so?

Looks like you posted this twice. I sent a reply with a spoiler on the other one.