Make the Monk Better ASAP - ID: 1437

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by stormrever on 11/07/2016, 19:48:51

I have thought of this a lot and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Now what is the monk known for in all of events ,movies , and games. Its the one thing that will make the monk much better without messing up game play. The monk has the ability to engage more than one foe at a time!!!! So my suggestion is this every 3 Lvls with a max cap you make ,add an extra foe the monk can engage. In an example: you encounter 3 goblin soldiers at 10' and 2 shawman at 50' and 8 wild dogs at 60' . With the new monk ability at lvl 9 ,it can engage the all three goblins. Not only will this make the monk a better option making a party but it will and another way to try and win the game with out compermizing its play and fun. What do you think?

Hi there,

great idea, already mentioned before I think. It's not as easy as it sounds... but I will think about a way of implementing this, ok? Perhaps it can work when I treat those special attacks as a kind of spellcasting. We'll see...

kind regards

Maybe you can have a number of times a day a monk can fight a group? It mught be easier to do that way. Trying to help. Sorry if that was posted already :shock: :D

Right now I am testing the following adjustment:

A monk can attack again, if:

- he killed an enemy
- there are still creatures left in the targetted enemygroup

...trying to see if this works.
Perhaps this doesn't need more conditions (which could mean that he can wipe out an entire enemy group).

I will keep you updated on this.

kind regards

I'm disappointed this ability seems to have gone away. This makes the monk useless again. IMHO.

I am thinking about this. Right now the chance is 50% but this is too low it seems.
What about rising it to 100% again, but with a limit... perhaps number of attacks = max. number of enemies...

kind regards

I was saddened to see the multi-attack of the Monk suddenly all but vanish. The multi-attack made up for the low hit points. Now combat is slowed down a lot and he's less valuable.

I get not wanting to overpower him, and while I was loving that he could clear an army of baddies on his own, I get the idea of limiting him. I'm not digging the 50% thing. It just doesn't seem to pull off enough.

I do like the idea of bumping him back up to 100% but max it out at his levels (or portion of his levels). Maybe the number of times he hits is the number of targets he could have?

Alternately I think it'd be neat if he could hit one guy solidly and then do partial damage to a number of people, the way the magic users get to do damage to a group of enemies whether or not they kill them off. But I recognize that might over complicate the game.

I just started a new game, first time playing for a long while. I see that the monk was improved compared to my last time playing, 2.51 I think?

I missed the supposedly OP version... How was it implemented that it was too strong, just curious, just divided across the group, or was it multiple full strength attacks?

Even with the 50% chance now it's a nice small improvement compared to before, not enough to match a warrior with a boomerang for range, hp and hit chance, but still nice compared to before.

I remember back when there were to be something like 8 new runes added..? Did that ever happen, or still planned. Also the main site suggests possible new theif skills ... starting at the front line sound super useful for poor ol' short range monks... Is that in, or still coming? The updates history mostly show bug fixes and the monk and crossed swords icon, which I also missed so far atm...

I still think the monk and theif have a slow start, and the hunters want of damage for crit immune mosters are the party build weak points... I still wanna hunt Marascas et al. Please make the hunter able to hunt known/previously killed creatures, haven't seen that longed for feature in my early reexamining. It would be a lovely add for the party without taking the hunters uniqueness away for pure damage like a dc/warrior... I mean I could live with low damage in the expansion by the hunters if I could boost the party by hunting my favorite prey with one...

Those nasty traps are hard to live with in the expansion without bards... Maybe I need to try more summoned monsters as you recommend, eh, Mario..? Or sp regen runes/items would be nice ;)

I still have a lotta love for the game, despite the lengthy break.

Hi there,

the chance of attacking another enemy when killing one was 100%. I think this was too high. In the upcoming version, this will be a variable chance, based upon the monk level and the actual map.
I am still thinking that the monk is not underpowered. He is a massive damage dealer and his very high natural AC prevents a lot of damage (so the low hp is not a problem - as long as you don't fight magic users). But I like the idea of giving him some special powers, too. So this will be the first improvement. Maybe another skill might come in the future, giving him other powers.

New thief skills are in testing mode right now. As well as the new runes. They might be released along with the flooded isles expansion that I am working on. But this can still take a while.

kind regards

Quote from Author: icetear
the chance of attacking another enemy when killing one was 100%. I think this was too high. In the upcoming version, this will be a variable chance, based upon the monk level and the actual map.

Was this full number of attacks, so maximum damage for each target? I can can see how that would be WAY too powerful... My own past suggestions were, if say 6 attacks kill a target, and the monk has 13, that would leave 7 attacks for the remaining target(s) in the group etc. I thought that would be good for all multi-attack classes to help them compete with the mages in the base game. Of course with magic resistance at the end game and the expansion, along with alchemy, changes the equation by then any how, so...

Quote from Author: icetear
I am still thinking that the monk is not underpowered. He is a massive damage dealer and his very high natural AC prevents a lot of damage (so the low hp is not a problem - as long as you don't fight magic users).

The magic res is why I play dwarves for my monks generally since they have good ac already as you say. For me the hp weakness was due to traps more than magic, though anything that could hit the monk before range could be closed was a problem if not leveled adequately. The thief's hide in shadows is even more powerful than the monk's ac potential though, and the thief has superior range, so the ONLY thing the monk has going for it is damage and warriors become DCs with the powerful magic staves match or beat that too, so the monk is not best at ANYTHING except per character item space which is also beaten by parcel service, item return spell and bank vaults. The damage has always been great, yes, but until close combat it often was difficult to use well. So hitting groups and/or fast closing of distance seemed like good options. The fast closing sounds like it's going to be added to the thief in the flooded isles, but I think the monk NEEDs it if his group damage doesn't compensate adequately. The thief after all already has access to hide in shadows AND ranged weapons, but the monk can only hit or close distance if there with the rest of the group, so you give up EVERYONE'S attack to position the monk(s) which means later needing close combat (or DCs equivalent), alchemy or item use (usually healing potion for me) rather than getting to use their inbuilt combat skills as desired.

Quote from Author: icetear
But I like the idea of giving him some special powers, too. So this will be the first improvement. Maybe another skill might come in the future, giving him other powers.

I've always been fond of some combo group damage, stun and/or close combat. If the monk could start within 10' of the closest enemy group or a weapon that pulls a group into range and had stun% =lvl, that would also be great if you wanted to do that instead of group damage, or with only weak (lvl% chance or the like) group dmagae potential imo.

Quote from Author: icetear
New thief skills are in testing mode right now. As well as the new runes. They might be released along with the flooded isles expansion that I am working on. But this can still take a while.

Will we have to progress that far into the game, or will some of it be available as you progress earlier? Either way the extra options sound great...

Thanks Mario for this, it makes the monk a lot better to have in the party