Mages - how important are hit points? - ID: 249

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Mrpetrov on 27/12/2011, 20:10:03

I'm at level 12 and struggling with the relatively steep step up in difficulty going into the burial mound. I have a conjurer and magician. The former has c.80 hps, the latter only about 40 (both level 12). The wimpy one is a gnome with constitution of 6. Is this sustainable in late game, or should I start a new and more robust magician with higher const?

I thought the hps of the magician wouldn't be a problem, as it's only spells that will hit him, and with the right SV gear then he should be ale to resist everything. Any thoughts?

Also, more generally, where is a good place to level up chars up to about level 13?

Mario - thanks for a great game. These nostalgic reimaginings rarely deliver, but silversword really does for me.


Id consider changing the lower hp one. When i hit the buriel mound, my two casters where as follows sierra was a 13th conj, 13th mag and sorc up to whatever lvl they got mind blade..findel was 13 mag, 13conj and just started as a wiz.. So both my casters had over 200 hps and nearing 400 sps... And the mound was still a challenge but managed it in one sweep.. Your lower hp caster again i think should be replaced.. If your grinding exp in and around savage crossing ( no caster mobs so safe exp for your casters) you will level him/her up in no time if you start again..

Thats just this lil Titans opinion tho..


Thanks titan! Yes, level 12 seems a bit low for burial mound. What quest did you do before burial mound though? The jump in difficulty from savage garden seems huge...? Did you just grind for ages before trying to clear the mound?


Basiclly i have been playing the lite version for a while before the full version was available... And altho i didnt amass the kinda xp calmrider did.. (geek :) ) i did have a bit saved up so altho savage crossing was a bit of a scale up it wasnt insurmountable...

Basically to grind exp i just wander around savage crossing, if you do this eough you will learn the 8ish spots that trigger encounters every time you load that map.. Thats basically all i did for a day trust me if its difficult for you now.. Ater another couple of lvls it will fall into place and you will butcher the area in about 5 mns.. Ten leave and return.. Butcher.. Rinse repeat until your casters are at the lvl u want em..

It will be suprising how fast this occurs.. Esp when you change class as 5-6 fights will get you 5+ lvls also as i said above 99% sure there are no caster mobs in savage crossing so even a lvl one caster is safe if his meatshields dont fall over..

Once you have farther foe spell, restoration and at least one mindblade... You will find the mound a different place..


I wouldn't worry so much about hitpoints as I would trying to level your Magic-Users to level 13, learn all the spells in their class and then picking a new class to repeat the process. After you obtain about 36 levels (3 schools of magic) you'll have over 300 hit points for each mage with about 400 spell points. I'm going to be writing a "Mage Intro Guide" later so keep an eye out...
