Machine Knight, free JRPG for iOS - ID: 1626

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by chrlpolk on 10/05/2020, 04:40:26

In this game, you play a scientist in a world that is dying from lack of resources - specifically, energy, from a dying sun. You have found a way to cross into another world and make an attempt to steal its resources and save your world. It would have been a short game had you succeeded.

Fortunately, what we end up with is a long JRPG with interesting character customization (reminded me a bit of Final Fantasy X), satisfying exploration, and a fantastic story that even occasionally quirky translation can't muddle!

RPG Machine Knight
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Even though there are IAP's available, they are completely unnecessary. I have played through this game several times as it does have multiple endings. This game is early-Final Fantasy level of good!

Thanks. Looks like an interesting story.