Legend Mode - Lost Temple annoyance - ID: 1041

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by SonnBoy99 on 05/03/2013, 18:50:56

I'm playing in Legend mode because I hate rerolling on level ups. I just want a moderate set hp/sp increase and not have to keep rerolling to maximize my level ups.

Anyways, I start my adeventure in the ruin camp, beacon to the camp on the island to restore sp before entering the Lost Temple. I explore the whole thing and get the the chest i assume after answering the magic mouth. I enter the sacred area and try to open the chest. At this point, I had dumped my rogue so I have to force open any chest that prevents Trap Zap(big annoyance having to pick up my rogue just to open these dang chest that usually have nothing good in them). Most of the time, Force Open doesn't work but this time it opens and instantly kills my whole party.

Then I just realized I need to use that item that the druid gave me in exchange for the sickle. I was a bit numbed and really annoyed that I just wasted 2 hours of play and have to reload from scratch again. I was annoyed enough I almost felt like just not play this game anymore.

Having a chest blow up and kill a fully healed level 15 party is a BIT EXTREME IMO! Especially for people that play in the legend mode.

I dumped my Rogue to develop a 3rd caster but it's really annoying not being able to Trap Zap some of the chests. I just feel the Rogue is almost useless in combat even with a Thief Dagger that I dumped him for a 3rd caster.

Question is, should I just put him back in and save me the annoyances of having to swap him into my party, drudge back to the dungeon, just so I can open a few chests that most of the time has just plain old gold and nothing useful?

I believe all the TRZP precluded chests are fixed -- not random after encounters. Leave your thief at the inn, until you find such a chest. Then go to a nearby inn and add your rogue temporarily in favor of that extra caster. Once you get the loot, go back to the inn and trade characters again...