Just Finished The Game - ID: 1388

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by col on 27/07/2015, 23:03:03

Hi Mario,

I've just finished the expansion pack and I just wanted to give you a huge thanks for putting together such a fabulous game. I've already recommended it to both my brothers who were also big Bard's Tale fans back in the day.  :)

[100+ hours of game play] / [cost of purchase] = [great value for money]

I can't think of a better way of passing the time on my daily commute! I've read a few other threads on here where potential development/further expansions were said to be on hold. Do you have any sort of plans or timeline for expanding the Silversword universe?

I have a few pieces of feedback which I think would improve the game. To be honest, you really don't need to bother with them because the game is already fantastic, but I'll put them out there anyway...

(1) Quest Items
I know you've put in a lot of work to try to improve this area and I see that you've even added an extra piece in the latest release. That said, I think a better model would be to have a separate "Quest Item" section accessible via the Map/All/Log etc menu section. Quest items would be owned on a game instance level rather than at a character level and could simply be used at the required points in the game. Doing it this way means that the quest items (including keys, rusty bars etc) don't clog up the general inventory, they can't be stolen, they can't be dropped or accidentally deleted along with a character. In other words, once they've been earned they are available to the player regardless of the characters in the current party and other unfortunate mishaps. I think the way players have to manage quest items at the moment is an unnecessary distraction.

(2) Alchemy
The alchemy spells seem to be too much hard work. Getting the ingredients, going all over the place to learn the spells and then practicing them over and over just feels a bit too cumbersome.

(3) Magic bias
The game felt to me like it is too much in favour of magic characters. The warriors, barbarians, bards, monks and rogues need to be improved a bit relative to the archmages and dragon callers. Better loot for them would help as well as giving them more hit points than spellcasters. At the moment my archmages have 2500 hit points which is considerably more than my warriors! The spellcasters also get better stats so much more quickly because of the more frequent class changes.

Anyway, thanks again for all of your hard work!


thank you very much for your thoughts.
I am working on Silversword every now and then, but it's progressing very slowly at the moment :-(

My wife has promised me to work on the french translation this winter again (I really want this game to be in french), and I am trying to prepare the maps for the "Heritage"-Expansion. But too many things distract me right now *shame*.

Well... at least the game is not dead, and I try to fix some of the bugs that are reported - and think about enhancing the game mechanics further.

Thank you for your suggestions - I will think about them :-)

Kind regards