Inferno Maze - ID: 662

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Bank$ter on 21/05/2012, 18:07:04

I know this is the last level of the game, but it is way too hard. I can't even get thru some of the planned encounters without at least my Rogue dying because he has way less hit points than the rest of the party. Rogues are pretty much useless in the last third of the game. I am already bored of this game going into the Inferno Maze, but it is really annoying not being able to just walk around and explore and map it out. Making it so there is only one way thru, but also making it near impossible to map that way, is a fun-killer. It is way too tedious. I enjoyed this game for the most part, I just thought it lost it's flow too many times with bugs, impossible chests, and not being able to walk places that are visible and in front of your party for no reason. My characters are level 27, but I don't have the desire to grind a ton of xp to get them all the way up to get Sodar's Wrath to be able to finish the game. Just remember for Silversword 2, people don't have 3 hours a day to be stuck in boring mazes, the old chest game was fine, the new chest game doesn't work, if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Try to keep the flow going more. Thanks for listening to my opinion.

I can't speak to level design. But for what it's worth I agree this fails pretty much every criterion for good level design. I'm guessing his intention was less to pose a difficult challenge that a diligent, observant player can work their way through with only a few forced missteps, and more more to present a brutal, unforgiving series of obstacles prior to the completion of the game. That said, save/load plus diligent map marking should get you through in fairly quick order.

But as for combat difficulty, you don't need Sodor's Wrath to complete the game (I never advanced that far), but you are probably underleveled at 27. You probably want your minimum hp above 400 (my monk was around 425) and 3 casters with sp above 500. If you aren't close to that, then you haven't been scumming level-ups and will probably have a hard time of it. Beating this style of game requires stacking all the cards you can in your favor.

Also keep in mind that even with most of the planned encounters, the enemy distance is somewhat randomized. Try entering the combat a few times until you get a distance loadout favorable to you.