In need of help - ID: 637

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by new to rpg on 06/05/2012, 15:36:37

I am new to RPG's and so far really enjoying this game but the magic mouths are driving me crazy. I don't know where to go next or find the answers to the magic mouths (tried Google). I finished the tower, burial mound, Bandit Cave and the starter areas. I have Arch Mages and level 15 fighters. I play at places where i can't make notes for the messages I find.
I have the smelly mushrooms, the Druid Stone and the Symbol of Maruziel.

- ive found the Druids groove and can't get in the temple
- found many paths the trees block me
- found the magic mouth for the dwarf stronghold. (Don't know, can't find answer or where to find)
- Found magic mouth in savage forest saying who is to blame (Don't know, can't find answer or where to find)

Can someone PLEASE post a guide, Map or at least the location for the magic mouth riddles if not the answers and give me some guidence on where to go next

Thank You in Advance

I'm trying to figure out the step you need to progress. Since you don't mention the swamp, I'm assuming you aren't that far.

In order to get past the Treant blocking you on the road East to Annsharbour, you need

The Shard of Nature from the Druid's Grove

Have you been able to descend the stairs there? If not,

Go back to the burial mound and explore it more. You need to return the sickle from there to Gwyddon to grant you access.

I honestly don't remember what that magic mouth you're talking about is. However, based on your description it may be worth trying


Just a guess though.

Good luck! There is a lot more enjoyable content waiting for you

Thank you for the Help. I found the sickle and did the burial mound. is the Shard of Nature there? If so I must have missed it somehow. the two Magic mouths I can't figure out so far are. If I am jumping ahead or missing something obvious let me know please.

- is the one in the forest that asks "Mondain was first, then came Minax came. What sibling is third to blame?" I tried "Maruziel" as soon as I got the symbol from the bandit cave.

- and down avalance pass that asks about the name of the Dwarf stronghold.

Thank You again, I was getting frustrated enough to quit which did not want to do with so much time invested and i was really enjoying it up to this point.

Ohh that magic mouth. Sorry. I don't believe that mouth is story-critical, but to answer the "sibling to blame" magic mouth:
Level 1 spoiler

Mondain and Minax are characters in the popular Ultima series of video games

Level 2 spoiler with answer

Mondain is from Ultima I, Minax is from Ultima II, the name you want is "Exodus" from Ultima III

The dwarf stronghold one leads to an area intended for end-game capable parties, and the answer becomes clear later in the game. Don't worry about it yet. You should return there after you've completed the dwarven mines or the main storyline itself.

Back to the storyline, I have to admit my memory of this part of it is not perfect. Do your latest journal entries shed any light? My recollection is that you take the sickle from the burial mound -- which it sounds like you've obtained -- to Gwyddon and then proceed to the Druid's Grove and enter the hidden temple there. Do you know where the Druid's Grove is, or the temple inside of it? I thought the shard of nature is from there. Could be wrong, though.

Yeah, if you have the Druid Stone from Gwyddon, that means that you've found the sickle from the grave mound and have met with Gwyddon. With the Druid Stone, you should be able to fully explore the Druid's Grove (accessible via some passable trees east of the Savage Crossing camp) and access the Lost Temple. (Hint: Try for some levitation magic to cross watery areas). The Lost Temple contains the Shard of Nature.

So I have the sickle in my posession and have spoken with gwydon (spelling?) but he isnt saying anything other than "Retrieving the sickle is of capital importance!"... I have spoek with him with a full party and with an empty slot. Suggestions?

Check your quest log to see if there's any mention of being referred to the Druid's Grove.
Sometimes you might pass through an NPC's event square while madly tapping on the arrow buttons as you speed your way through a map, and accidentally miss some important dialog. Some NPCs also have a tendency to revert to their initial, default dialog after giving you their one-time clue or directions.

At no point do you actually need to bring Gwyddon into your party. I played through the entire game so far (approaching the end) with a full party of 7 PCs.

If you have the sickle, Gywddon should meet you outside the Burial Mound and trade it for the Druid's Stone. With the Druid's Stone you can enter the Forgotten Temple in Druid's Grove.