In game compendium - ID: 497

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by dnewman31 on 27/02/2012, 23:10:20

Mario, I have a couple requests related to the in game help.

1) While I like the fact that since you switched the way the compendium is used I haven't had any crashes related to reading it, I was a little disappointed with the reduction in features, having the thumbnail navigation was really nice prior to the change. Any chance we might get something like that back? Or a slider that will navigate faster? It takes a lot of finger flicking to get 3/4 of the way down.

2) It would be helpful (and for me, much more convenient) if the help remembered what page it was on each time I opened it, I often refer back to the same page, or section while playing (like the spells or character info for level up XP targets).

3) More info on some items. I noticed that a lot of items list the spell name, but they don't match up to other spells in the compendium, I played the old Bards Tales, but it has been so long I can't remember all the abbreviations or what the spell really is. So maybe a section on Item spells/effects that give better detail (like for the horns, specifically).

Thanks for making an awesome game, I've got nearly 50 hours into the game now and am really have a good time (getting my 3 casters to lvl13 in everything, just starting arch mage's).


It's not an easy task to implement the compendium the way I want.
Until I found a better solution, maybe you want to download the PDF via iTunes and use it in a better PDF reader application on your device (Goodreader e.g.).
Then you can simply switch the applications and have the features of a real PDF reader app.

As for the spell names... I will think about adding descriptions to the shortcuts.


Quote from Author: icetear
maybe you want to download the PDF via iTunes and use it in a better PDF reader application on your device.

Ahh.. I have it on my desktop and keep it open there when I am playing while at my desk, but hadn't thought about using another reader app on the ipad.. I will try that today, this could help considerably.