I like bards, but... - ID: 1215

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by MightyOgre on 20/08/2013, 18:49:08

To those who used a bard at the end-game: Are they really worth it? I like bards and want to use one, but it seems they are a crippled class and almost any other class would do better in their slot.

Here are my observations, please tell me what I've missed:

1. Their main abilities are IQ and Luck: perfect in concept, but in the game they are literally the least useful stats for non-spell-casters. Neither of these do anything special for bards. So while other fighters are gaining Con and hit points, as well as Dex, and Str to 25, my poor bard is stuck at 18s until IQ and LK max.

2. Warriors can use the same armor but do way more damage and will have higher hit points.

3. Songs are handy, but another spell-caster would provide better healing, damage, and versatility, as well as more hit points.

4. Horns are cool, but so far another spell-caster would do much more damage in that slot without carrying extra gear.

The Spirit Chant song regenerates spell points at the rate of Bard Level / 10 (truncated) every six seconds. At the same time they do a reasonable amount of damage letting my Arch Mages and Dragon Callers cast Sodar's Wrath and dragon's Fury almost continuously. They are superb support providers while doing some damage and taking the heat off my casters with their (the bards) reasonably high HP.

I have three bards in my party and am quite happy with them. They regenerate 180 SP per minute. I drop harmonic gems and splinters as they just waste space. And the party rarely visits fountains to regen SP.

I think the game is about balance and choices. If you don't like Bards, you don't have to use them.

Quote from Author: wizardz
...I think the game is about balance and choices. If you don't like Bards, you don't have to use them.

You have def. found a good use for the old tavern rats! I really do like bards, which I was why I wanted to see how useful they were. Seems very appropriate that their use is not the obvious one. Bards are a tricky bunch!

Thanks, Wiz.

IMO Bards aren't useful until they get a bone bow. After crits become useless then Horn of Sodar is really only other option. And you need them in the spell drin areas.