INFERNO: need to go back... possible? please help - ID: 310

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by juzanlord on 04/01/2012, 14:19:13

I went to inferno with good party, but i find out I still need experience and MANA / Gems.

The problem is that I can't find a way to turn back, and My savepoints doesn't help.

I tried with Travel to Beacon, but is not working, so I'm stuck with too little mana on my casters to keep party alive in LAVA.

Is it possible to go back in some way or i need to restart from watch tower (last save game)?

thanks a lot


Hello Juzan,

as stated before, there is no way back yet.
With the next update, there will be a passage, but only for those who were brave enough to battle and defeat Maruziel.

Because you are not alone with this issue I can offer the following:

- give a means to leave Inferno prior to Maruziel (future update)
- before that, teleport you back manually (please send me your savegame and I will move your party)


Thanks a lot Mario,
it you would be so kind, i would beg for a teleport, so i will taste all inferno without spoilers ;)

Few questions : How can i Give u FILes? by mail? What is best way to extract?

Thnaks again


Quote from Author: juzanlord
Thanks a lot Mario,

it you would be so kind, i would beg for a teleport, so i will taste all inferno without spoilers ;)

Few questions : How can i Give u FILes? by mail? What is best way to extract?

Thnaks again


When you open iTunes, you can use the App Sharing function to download files from the game.
You may refer to this: <URL url=""></URL>

Just check the most recent game (gameSave 1-5), download it to your harddrive and send it to me via E-Mail (either as a PM through this forum, or to <EMAIL email=""></EMAIL>).

I will teleport you to Savage Crossing and send the corrected file back asap.


Than is a lot Mario.

Btw, would you consider to migrate other vintage rpgs?

Have you thought about dungeon master?


Quote from Author: juzanlord
Than is a lot Mario.

Btw, would you consider to migrate other vintage rpgs?

Have you thought about dungeon master?



Hi Juzan,

I always wanted to bring my own role-playing game alive, and with the lack of The Bard's Tale (1-3) on iOS, this was my chance. Goal achieved ;-) By now, the most important things are bug fixing and writing some expansions. The community that has grown is the most valuable thing a software developer can get, and I won't turn my back on it :-)
Nonetheless, I am evaluating the Unity3D engine by now, and am thinking about a successor for Silversword (or a whole new story), but this time, a 3D role-playing game in the (graphical) style of Aralon. It may be related to the combat system of Wizardry 8, it may be the true Dungeon Master clone... I really don't know by now. 2012 has many challenges for me in hold, and all I can say is, that creating role-playing games is by far the thing I enjoyed most yet.


Oh yes challenges... I even would call it MAJOR challenges... remember June 8-)

Quote from Author: Theodor Keppler
Oh yes challenges... I even would call it MAJOR challenges... remember June 8-)

Well, congratulations and best wishes :)

And thanks for the update about your future plans, Mario - I appreciate that you're planning expansions and new projects, and of course I'll be happy to thoroughly test whatever you come up with ;)