I'm losing my mind... Maybe (SPOILER ALERT) - ID: 192

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Gwendor Irontoe on 16/12/2011, 20:53:28

Hello fellows...
Well, I seem to be losing my mind... In Savage Crossing, I meet up with Gwyddon. He asks me to go on a quest. The problem is that I hit continue before I could read the first page of his quest.

All I know is that I need to go to a "grave mound" precisely at Midnight! However, I fear that I didn't catch where this Grave mound is located.

Been all through the Deeper forest (can't get past the roadblock-assuming that'll be solved later), can't survive the Bandit hideout yet, and can't get into the Druid entrance... So, my only logical solution is to find this Grave mound...

Help anyone?

Check your log, it tells you that the Burial Mound is located to the north. In fact, you need to head towards Loch Caetar, and look around in the forest there.

Where is the bandit hideout you mention? That sounds like a fun place to explore...

Thanks for the assistance! Really appreciate it.

The Bandit hideout is south of Savage Crossing..

There is a break in the road when traveling south. Once you get around it, start looking to the east. Once you get through the trees, the Bandit hideout is located in a southeast area in the alcove of a mountain.

I'm level 13 and I'm still not really strong enough to last a couple battles in there. But I did find a Fire Horn and was able to get out with my life.... luckily!

Good luck and thanks again!

Gwendor Irontow

Quote from Author: Gwendor Irontoe
Thanks for the assistance! Really appreciate it.

The Bandit hideout is south of Savage Crossing..

There is a break in the road when traveling south. Once you get around it, start looking to the east. Once you get through the trees, the Bandit hideout is located in a southeast area in the alcove of a mountain.

I'm level 13 and I'm still not really strong enough to last a couple battles in there. But I did find a Fire Horn and was able to get out with my life.... luckily!

Good luck and thanks again!

Gwendor Irontow


I need a little more direction when it comes to finding that Thief Hideout. I have been searching Savage Cross for hours.

U need to walk through trees to find the area its hidden in.. So check for passable trees


Quote from Author: Titansiege
U need to walk through trees to find the area its hidden in.. So check for passable trees


Yeah, the trees you have to go through are on the left of the road. At one point, you have to go off the road onto plants to go around a corner. The hidden spot is one square south of where you get back on the road (i.e. the first square where your back on the road).

Found it. Thanks dudes.