How to get to Miners Deep Level 5? - ID: 1106

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by JT13 on 24/04/2013, 06:37:55

Wow, having trouble with this one. Cast Vision of the Dragon and can see stairs and hidden hallways, etc. but can't access through glowing walls. Just the South West hidden room. Any help with glowing walls would be appreciated! Did I miss a hint somewhere?

I'm struggling also, but I think how it works is there are two switching rooms with messages like hell is now open which means crossing over the green or red glowing messages squares opens and closes the various passages.

If you mark the blue and red squares they open up when you hit the switches that corresponds to the skies and he'll are opened. I'm managed to find the stairs down but there are teleports in front of it. So I'm stuck at this point.

Quote from Author: SonnBoy99
If you mark the blue and red squares they open up when you hit the switches that corresponds to the skies and he'll are opened. I'm managed to find the stairs down but there are teleports in front of it. So I'm stuck at this point.

Just keep tracking. You'll figure it out.

Finally got past it. There's a secret door behind the stairs.

So, why can't I find the switching rooms? Where are they hiding? Please help!

They are the 2 rooms with the writing like "the skies are open now but the forests are burnt"

Thanks! Was having terrible time finding the second switching room, but finally worked it out. On to Level 6!

How do you get past the teleport in front of the stairs?

I believe Sonnboy answered that one for you in an above post...

Ah, right. To get passed the teleports, look for the secret door which leads behind or the right side of the ladder


Alas, despite reading this thread I am still stuck on level five. I've found both switching rooms and mapped all of the colors, but I still can't figure out how to get the door to the stairs to appear. A blatant hint would be most welcome.

Also, I've not quite got my rogue to 99% so I am here without a DC and cannot cast Dragon Vision.

Thanks very much.

Try the following path:

the red arrow shows the trigger room for the hidden door.

<ATTACHMENT filename="Bildschirmfoto 2014-01-31 um 23.16.26.png" index="0">[attachment=0]Bildschirmfoto 2014-01-31 um 23.16.26.png[/attachment]</ATTACHMENT>