How the hell do I defeat Jakob Sprenger? - ID: 707

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by niteside on 18/07/2012, 14:57:31

Simple question, really. My spells don't damage him and if I let him get close to hit him, he kills everyone, almost in one go. Mostly level 16 characters.

Thanks in advance!!!

level up! do you have a rogue? you could hide and see if you can sneak up on him. or get up close and personal with a hunter...both will give a critical hit at a decent level. which part of the game is this...can't remember?

I can't remember this one either. He must be in an area I never visited (and hence don't need to visit to complete the game) or I knocked him over without any, memorable, problems.
Both times I have completed this game I used a ranged hunter so I could have criticalled him before he got close.

Jakob Sprenger is the priest in the Bandit's Cave. I just did this 2 days ago. If I remember right, I hit him a couple times with 'Soul Whip' and my level 17 warriors hit him a couple times. My front line warrior was the only character that died in the fight.

If you have hesitation already, cast that and use melee, hunters and rogues to take him out.

I used Coup de Grace. But I believe in over kill by very high level characters.