How do I download the compendium into a printable format? - ID: 773

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Damuri on 11/11/2012, 02:26:49

I just Bought the game and the compendium and I am trying to read it on an iphone and it is tiny. Is there any way to export the compendium and print it out so I don't go blind? I'm just trying to find optimal beginner weapons.

Why can't I view the compendium on my ipad? Is the compendium purchase device specific?

If you have bought the compendium before, and switch to a new device, you can re-download it by buying it again in the shop - you will NOT be charged again.


Thanks. I am just hitting about level 10 and i really like the game so far.