Hierloom Guardians in Castilla Artonsa - ID: 271

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Runeflinger on 31/12/2011, 19:31:16

Does anybody know if the two chests being guarded by the Hierloom Guardians contain any unique item(s)?
They were much tougher then I expected so I ran. I don't want to go all the way back in if it is just gold and some random items.

There are some pretty nice items in the chests (save just b4 opening and u can reload until something nice drops out of it)

Assuming u have two casters both with high dex (so they go b4 guardians) have one cast Absorb Magic so u resist those massive damage spells guardians cast and the other caster can cast that Mage Maelstrom which kills most/all enemy casters, which those guardians are.