Hidden area in Savage Crossing? - ID: 651

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by DrStrange on 10/05/2012, 21:48:46

Hi - slightly random query but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something... My map of Savage Crossing has a roughly circular patch towards the south-eastern end (just between the group of buildings and the entry point for the Druid's Grove) which I can't enter and I was wondering if there's some further hidden area here that I just have not figured out how to unlock yet (I think I must have bumped the trees surrounding this area about 20 times so if there is something here then not sure the solution to cracking it is to hit the right "wall"). My detection spell keeps indicating there might be some sort of secret here but I'm not sure if it isn't just picking up the various other trees that can be walked through that litter this part of the map. The other thing that makes me slightly suspicious are the two fixed encounters of bandits/outlaws/renegades that border this area that tell you that you're disrupting some kind of secret, mob get-together.

In all likelihood, there's probably nothing there (at the least, not anything needed to complete the main quest) but thought I'd post this just in case...


Pretty sure those Bandits and Renegades are referring to the Bandit's Cave in the area. Is this maybe what you are referring to?

I am also pretty certain that you are near Bandit Cave. However, proceed with caution. You mentioned that you couldn't get in to Druid's Grove. This suggests that you have not found the Burial Mound. This can be a tough place. The Cave is tougher! I don't know the strength of your party. Maybe find Bandit Cave so that you know where it is and then, if you haven't already, seek out the Burial Mound. Just a suggestion.
Good luck.

I have just completed these areas. I also found that I was unable to get into the Druid's Grove temple. Fortunately, I was given some solid advice on this and other objectives in the area by a forum member called Syro. These can be found under the topic heading "Help please!". I found them very helpful. They are well worth a look if you find yourself wondering where you should go next.
Good luck.

Cheers for these responses guys but the area that I had in mind is just to north & west of where the Bandits' Cave is located. You're right though in that the two fixed encounters I had in mind have to be successfully passed in order to get to the Bandits' Cave's entrance. My (slightly wayward) theory was that as the cave isn't actually filled with bandits and their outlaw brethren as it's been taken over by the Tarsaz (sp?) then they've tried to locate somewhere else in Savage Crossing. 

I'm clearly over-thinking this - sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes some empty tiles on a map are just empty tiles!

Missed the close bracket! Missed the bloody brackets altogether!! Sorry. You've probably covered all the areas that I mentioned already! Ah well. Not to worry. Maybe someone else can use the info. Should have gone to Spec Savers. Damn brackets. Ha ha!

I just found that area, having previously overlooked that area because I didn't have Second Sight casted all the time (can't wait for Sorcerors Sight). Is there a Bandit "Camp" somewhere, as I believe others referred to, or could they have meant the "Cave"?

I have a lot of open, unexplored areas in Savage Crossing too. As Dr Strange implied, maybe they are just open. I just don't want to miss anything-- I don't think I'll get the chance to replay (don't have the time), so I want to see everything on the first play through.

All I have found in Savage Crossing by pushing through trees are:-
1. Way to the Druids Grove.
2. The Bandits Cave.
3. The way to the Inferno (Can't use until Getting into the Inferno via another route).
4. The path to the weapons shop.

I still have several blank areas on my map.

Apriori (nice 'statistical' avatar-- you must be a science geek too)-- WEAPON SHOP??? What area of Savage Crossing should i be looking for it? I'll be looking for that, as I am anxious to upgrade my equipment, since chests now give gold (almost exclusively) and little weapons, armor, etc.

With all the talk about the Inferno, the sulfur smell in Savage Crossing now makes sense. And so close to Cranbourgh. :)

<QUOTE>[quote]WEAPON SHOP??? What area of Savage Crossing should i be looking for it?

The owner of the weapon shop had trouble with the law in the past and hid the entrance. Check the map and look for buildings you haven't gained entrance to yet. Think about how you might get access to them.

More specifically,

Sister Pascale-Marie of the shrine has noticed some unusual activity in the area. You may want to investigate the area.

Quote from Author: Syro
The owner of the weapon shop had trouble with the law in the past and hid the entrance. Check the map and look for buildings you haven't gained entrance to yet. Think about how you might get access to them.

Oh, yeah, found that a while ago. I thought there was a more hidden shop.

Oh yeah, that's a good point. Calling it a weapons shop is disingenuous. Sorry if your hopes got up.

Ah ha! At least this thread wasn't a total waste - I had no idea that that shop existed. Shame I didn't know about it earlier but at least it might now save some time when coming back from the Inferno portal in Savage Crossing - I won't have to trek all the way up to the Loch to offload those Firey Avengers of Forgus for much moolah.

Thanks guys