Gwyddon - what am i missing? - ID: 426

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by duder on 04/02/2012, 16:44:01

How do you get Gwyddon to give you the quest to the burial mound? I've met him in the Savage Crossing and taken him to the Druid Grove and to the area by the Bandit Lair, but he always leaves when i go north towards of Savage Crossing or east of Savage Crossing. I've explored all of the Druid Grove with him and have also explored the area where the burial mound is, but i can't get the quest from Gwyddon to enter it! I'm at loss at what to do next....

Try talking to him at night. You don't need to take him along if you don't want.

Update. I started over again. This time, i went to the area east of the savage crossing and saw the ancient which blocked my entrance. After i visited it and returned to Gwyddon, he gave the quest. That was really odd...but at least i got the quest!