Gwyddon - ID: 1624

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by ABG on 23/04/2020, 00:26:31

i started over again because I thought I missed Gwyddon first times round. I cannot find to have original conversation, I’ve seen he is close after leaving start but cannot. Please help, does he go by different name in beginning? Thanks

Maybe you haven't gone far enough. Try going east of Savage Crossing by road.

You'll find the road blocked unless you have a certain item. When you turn back to Savage Crossing, you should encounter Gwyddon on the road near Druid's Grove. He will offer to help if you do him a favor.

When you meet him, he'll offer to join your party. You'll have to have six or fewer team members to do this if you want to try it. It isn't necessary.