Feature discussion (in progress) - ID: 1186

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by icetear on 10/06/2013, 23:36:58

Hello friends,

what do you think about these changes...?

1. Teleport to guild after death
If all members in your party have died, you will be teleported back to a camp (this might go along with a "binding point" - you choose which camp you want to make your home). This might also be expanded by buying an "insurance" which will ressurect your members (if your bank account shows the proper money). Might be good for players in legendary mode.

2. Fixed stats when creating a new character in legend mode
By now, you will still have to roll several times when creating a new character until it fits your needs. This change could mean that your stats will be fixed. An addition could be that you can choose which stat to improve upon levelup.

3. Game exchange
Right now, the saved games are completely unrelated to each other. This change could mean that you can transfer characters / bank gold / bank items from one game to another. Exploitable, I know...

4. Pick Locks skill for bards
You might find it annoying that some chests cannot be open by the Zap spell and you have to have a rogue in your party.
Giving bards the pick lock skill would make this easier. The skill would advance at 50% rate, though.

More feature suggestions to come... :-)

Kind regards

  1. 2 I think fix stats for character creation and choosing a stat on level up would be great. I'm so hate rerolling for 10x per character on level up.

  1. 4 That would be great, forcing you to have a thief just to pick locks are a hassle. Even though the Thief becomes a offensive weapon in the expansion. In the main game, he's quick useless.

1. Unless this comes with tougher encounters, I don't think it's necessary. I have found Legend mode pretty easy, although getting the desired stat when leveling up can be more laborious and frustrating.

2. Okay, but I must admit rolling a character with 18-18-18-17-18 was quite a rush. Since you can still choose to do it in normal mode, I guess it's ok. I like choosing the stat to increase and would like to see it in both modes.

3. Only if the one of a kind items cannot be transferred and a game that has had an exchange does not qualify for Game Center any more after the exchange. Or maybe better, make games that had exchanges have their own Game Center category letting the exploiters have their fun in their own playground.

4. Bards are too strong already. None of the nonTRZP chests have necessary items as I remember. There is nothing wrong with storing your thief until you can make him a master thief and then a DC. A high level master thief DC is probably the most powerful character in the game. I'd suggest giving lock pick to the monk class instead.

Just my 2 cents.

I love the game and appreciate all the hard work you have done for us, Mario. Are you thinking of restarting your shelved project? Or are you thinking of another expansion of this one?

Quote from Author: wizardz
I love the game and appreciate all the hard work you have done for us, Mario. Are you thinking of restarting your shelved project? Or are you thinking of another expansion of this one?

Right now I am working on a cross-platform version of the game, using Unity3D... ;-)
Another expansion is not likely because the balancing of the game is too difficult with the given ruleset. I probably will add some more quests and maps with future updates, but no promises right now ;-)

Kind regards

I like option #4. I haven't played the expansion yet, but I do my best to avoid having a rogue in my party. Forcing chests open gets quite annoying. Also IIRC the place in the druid's grove pretty much needs a rogue, so I train one up just for that.

Maybe another option would be to allow trap zap, but make the spell point cost very high.

I'd like a set of Conjurer spells that are capable of summoning an alchemical ingredient, one that can summon wineskins, and one that can summon arrows and other various sorts of ammo. In the description for conjurers, it does say that thay can summon a mug of ale, so why not practical yet mundane things like this? I know this is breaking with the theme of what conjurers can accomplish according to the original Bard's Tale schema, but many things in Silversword break with that (Paladins that cast spells, Alchemy effects, Dragoncallers, etc.), and personally I think those things make for a richer, more detailed, more balanced, and ultimately more enjoyable game than the Bard's Tale ever was--and I'm a big fan of the BT series!

Hi Oroboros,

I will think about it. Thank you for the suggestion - indeed, Conjurers should be able to conjure things :-)

Kind regards

One last thing regarding conjurors: I like the express mail service to get items into your bank vault that are not currently needed, but what if you could also conjur items from your bank vault with a particular conjuror spell?

Quote from Author: Oroboros
One last thing regarding conjurors: I like the express mail service to get items into your bank vault that are not currently needed, but what if you could also conjur items from your bank vault with a particular conjuror spell?

+1 :D

Quote from Author: Oroboros
One last thing regarding conjurors: I like the express mail service to get items into your bank vault that are not currently needed, but what if you could also conjur items from your bank vault with a particular conjuror spell?

I implemented that feature just yesterday. The spell will be available in a special shop, and can be learned by any spellcaster. It will only work outside of combat, tho.

Kind regards

Teleport to temple is nice as an option, but not an automatic. Alternatively a priest/priestess could teleport to you...

Picking locks for another class only makes sense to me if a whole new class is added, like ninja (half monk half rogue). Another option would be to give chests some hp multiple of theeir tumblers and attack/break into them. To me the simplest option would be to sell prybars to triple the chance to force open or the like. Call a locksmith for a fee is another possibility. Or allow non-mage/conjurors to change class, e.g. Hunter/rogue, or monk/rogue etc.

As far as game balancing an expansion goes i believe, a lower level expantion to savage crossing called savage lands focussed on more wild beast, barbarian and shaman tribes etc, maybe with a beast master class is not complely unreasonable.

I like the idea of game exchange too.

Reading Wizardz walk thru he doesn't think too much of the monk at higher levels. - Maybe add stun effect at 4 percent per level for the monk, or radiant force strike where damage is divided across an entire group? Alternatively, ninja class change adding pick locks and hide in shadows?

Thank you very much for your suggestions.
I will see what I can do :-)

Kind regards

I haven't explored all the possibilities of the characters in the game and I can see from the boards that I dont know too much, but I think that giving another character pick lock would be really detrimental to the rogue. In classic fantasy narrative it is in many respects their raison d'etre.

just my 2p's worth :)

The Rogue's real strength is the auto hide in shadows of Master Thief. As long as that is reserved to Rogues and DCs who were Master Thieves, it might be okay. How about a rare but not impossible to obtain skeleton key with limited uses instead of giving lock pick to another class?

My observations so far as bandits cave and level 20 characters...

Monk starts too weak, ends weak (according to wizardz) and is relatively over powered at level 10-20 except in ranged attacks.

Thief and Magic classes are essential, or nearly so. I'd like more options for the other classes to play unaided by other classes, probably thru items. I undertsand alchemy helps with this, but I havent got the expansion yet, still trying the main game.

My solutions might be...

All muliple attack classes use min number of attacks to kill then overflow the rest of attacks to the next target in group, or another group in range, probably at the cost of one attack per move. So a level 13 warrior attacks goblin pups, kills 1 per attack spends 1 attack per change, killing 4 in total and spends three attacks switching opponent target, using all seven without the current severe overkill.

Monk starts ac bonus of 5, but only gains ac every other level. Add mobility +10 attack range

every 5 levels.

Possibly give all classes multiple attacks. Eg every other level for monk and warrior, every third paladin, every 4th bard, hunter, rogue and every fifth spell users. If done critical hit percent should only be 1 or 2 per level...

Add smoke pellets and smoke grenade items, hide single (pellet) and group (grenade)for 1 round...

Throwing spear should have a range of 4, javelin of 6 imo. Thrown spear currently has same range as regular which makes no sense imo. Alternately, strength bonus could be applied to range in some way. Eg. Strength of 15 =+10', 20 =+20', 25 =+30' and so on...

Possible new classes of elemental magic, maybe of separate study, air, earth, fire and water.

Also mystical tattooing, makes sense for suggested savage lands imo...

On a side note, I've only seen damage info for the monk's unarmed combat up to level 38, does it still increase after?

1. Teleport to guild after death
I like this idea.

3. Game exchange
This would be very useful as well.

4. Pick Locks skill for bards
I think this would be more easily solved if breaking into chests was easier for everybody. Right now, my warrior with 40 ST still cannot bust open anything, no matter how often I retry -- which is kind of sad. In fact, I can't remember breaking locks ever working, ever.

More feature suggestions to come... :-)

Kind regards

in the old school bards tale and wizardry games, if your party got wiped out, their corpses would stay in the dungeon and you had to create new characters to go in and retrieve their bodies and their items and bring them back home to revive them.
it would be cool if this was in the game...although it probably is not necessary since people would more than likely just reload their saved game...lol.
i know i reload whenever a character dies...

also i see someone else talking about the "multiple attacks" on the characters. the thing i don't like about the multiple attacks is it seems like the game only rolls the dice once.
so if your warrior has 11 attacks, ipthe game only makes 1 roll, you either hit with all 11 attacks or you hit with none of them.
it should make 11 separate rolls and then add up the results.

This mechanism was stolen from the original Bard's Tale.
Changing the combat system now would raise severe balancing problems, so I hope you forgive me if I ask you to be ok with the current system  :?

I love Corpse Runs since my EverQuest times, but as you already said - reloading is the solution.

Kind regards

Quote from Author: icetear
This mechanism was stolen from the original Bard's Tale.

Changing the combat system now would raise severe balancing problems, so I hope you forgive me if I ask you to be ok with the current system  :?

I love Corpse Runs since my EverQuest times, but as you already said - reloading is the solution.

Kind regards


hmm...i did play the original bard's tale trilogy. in fact, i do have it on my ipad. if you buy the ipad version of the xbox bard's tale from the app store, it comes with the original bards tale trilogy.

i guess i never noticed the thing with the multiple attacks, well if that's how it is in the OG games i guess it's okay.
i admit i always thought the original bards tales were a bit unbalanced as well lol

i just was noticing how like...you get to -40 armor class and the enemies miss 95% of the time but then that one time in 20 that they hit, they will hit you like 10 times and do massive damage.
if it rolled the dice separately for each attack, the characters would hit each other more often but do less damage each time.

like i said, i understand if it would cause problems now, as the game engine is already so deep in development.

maybe in a future game, if you ever make a sequel?

in reality, this mechanic really doesn't need to be changed as the average damage would be the same either way.
i just thought that the way suggested, it would appear more consistent and spread the damage out over time instead of it all coming in at once.

here's the thing.
for example, if a character has 10 attacks for an average of 20 damage per attack, and it rolls the dice once then whenever it hits, it will do an average of 200 damage.

now if the game rolls the dice 10 times, and misses with some of the attacks and hits with some, and then rolls for the damage invividually with each attach, then it will still do 20 damage per attack.

like imagine, a character might have 10% to hit.
so with the current system.
in 10 battle rounds, the game will roll the dice 10 times.
so it might miss 9 turns in a row which equates to missing 90 attacks and then the 10th roll is a hit so it then hits 10 times for 200 damage.

if the game rolled the dice for each attack, it might roll 10 times each round, rolling the dice a total of 100 times over 10 battle rounds.
on average, the game will miss with 90 of those rolls and hit with 10 of them, and do 20 per hit for a total of 200.

it still comes out to the same damage, it's just scatteree over many turns instead of all at once in one devastating strike that catches you by surprise.

so...i suppose i just talked myself out of it. i can see where the balance issues might occur, because at the higher levels, you have spells that heal all the hp at once and if the enemies can't suddenly surprise the player with massive damage in one round, then it becomes too predictable when they need to heal.

i just thought i wanted to explain my logic there.

don't get me started on spells lol...like in the inferno when the enemies cast aureus soul lance on you and if you don't have absorb magic up, they do like 400 to everyone in the party and the enemies appear in stacks of 10 so that's like 4000 potential damage to each character in a single turn unless you go first and kill those guys in one shot. and they have so many hp it takes 3 castings of my soul lance to kill them.

i guess that's why the guy who wrote the walkthru suggested having 3 archmages lol.

i suppose the game is fine as it is. i may buy the expansion soon, i wanted to play through in "vanilla mode" first.

this game sort of makes me want to go back and play bards tale 2 and 3 again, i never managed to finish those ones.

just want to add, i think it is admirable, how active the developer is on these forums.
I bought silversword from the app store 2 years ago and never got around to playing it until now and all this time, i have seen you constantly updating it.
i tell others about the game, it's not just "abandonware".

Thank you very much :mrgreen: