Expansion: where do I start? - ID: 1189

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Vlav on 15/06/2013, 17:37:29

I just saw an expansion was released..

1) I fnished the game quite time ago( way prior to any expansion)

2) I played. some around 1 year ago when that new area came out ( It was ending with placing some dragon egg in a tower)

Now, I see that a few things were changed:some harder mode was introduced, change in the stats system and a new area is avaiaible.

So my question to old timers is : Should I just dust out my old super party (my war prior is lvl 31 and the rest are mainly archmage level 7) or to enjoy the expansion, I am better off starting from scratch?

A better question probably is : is the expansion something that was added at the end ( targeting  somewhat high levels characters) or some lateral expansion of various part meant to be played by lower lvl parties?

Also, is there required classes in order to finsih game . my old party was Barbarian War, Barbarian Ranger , Elf bard and 4 Gnome archmage. Do I need thief and paladin now?

Your party is a pretty good level to do the expansion. Some fights are a lot tougher than in Inferno. I think the only new class you need would be a DragonCaller. I'd recommend converting your Warrior and roll up a new Warrior to replace him. You probably only need at most 2 ArchMages in the expansion.

I think you need a Paladin to get the egg from the Ridge Fault area, but maybe you only have to carry the sword in your party. The new master thief ability makes your thief pretty strong, but you don't have to have a thief to do the expansion. A master thief converted to a Dragon Caller is optimal in my opinion, but some prefer warriors or hunters converted.

The only character you must have to finish the expansion is a Dragon Caller.

In the expansion, Bard songs stack, so you might want more than one in your party. Especially while you are "growing" your DC.