Dragonland's Creepers and Elder Creeper's high HPs - ID: 1072

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by SonnBoy99 on 17/04/2013, 19:24:39

I just downloaded the update and entered the Dragonlands for the first time. The first few encounters were fairly easy so I was thinking it will be a walk in the park.

I then explored a little more and encountered my first group of 8 creepers and 4 elder creepers. I did my usual thing, first 5 guys all have stoning/crit ability except for my Bard that does decent damage with his Singing Sword. My 2 AM cast Demonwar or use Ring of Destruction.

I did this for about 5 rounds when I realized these creepers aren't going down easy. The creepers are immune to stoning/crit so my Paladin, DC w/crit, and Hunter were pretty much useless in this fight. The only melee fighters doing any damage were my Warrior w/Silversword and Bard w/Singing Sword. After about 15 rounds of my DC's Dragon Fury and my 2 AM's Sodar's Wrath, the battle was over with only my Warrior and his -65 AC dieing.

I estimate that the Creepers had about 8k HPs and Elder Creepers had about 12k HPs. I burnt through about 300 SPs each on my AMs. Either I better start carrying more Harmonic Gems or need to find a better way kill these.

I probably have to swap out my Bard for a Thief to try to increase my damage output a little. Anyone have a better way to kill these?

In the dragon graveyard, I was able to acquire the spell armedgedon(sp?) that hits all monster for around 2K per cast. I picked this up for my dc and am so three to four rounds of this and down they went along with my warrior hitting with the silversword, my paladin with the fiery avenger of forgus, my bard and master thief with singing swords. Unfortunately after this fight, i ran into 10 prowlers which took a while but i was able to down with only my warrior hitting and my am casting hesitation. the next fight though, i still haven't beaten 1 stalker with 30 prowlers....absolutely destroyed me :evil:

Quote from Author: wrathofvi
In the dragon graveyard, I was able to acquire the spell armedgedon(sp?) that hits all monster for around 2K per cast.

Was it down the hole in the dragon graveyard? I found the graveyard but didn't go down the hole. I'm playing in Legend Mode and my party is only about level 37 so I have to be a bit careful where I go to not die and lose progress.

Quote from Author: SonnBoy99
Was it down the hole in the dragon graveyard? I found the graveyard but didn't go down the hole. I'm playing in Legend Mode and my party is only about level 37 so I have to be a bit careful where I go to not die and lose progress.

Yes it is down the hole in the dragon graveyard. You will need to pass through the wall, but with the automap, this is really easy to identify. The monsters that i encountered anyway, were not very tough, but i was a little higher than you. I believe i was in my early 40s for my front 4, my dc was a lowly 10 and my ams were in their 20s.

Please note that that new spell cost 150 sp to cast....so i had to use harmonic gems during the fight as between casting that spell and hesitation, i quickly ran out of mana.

I went down and found the dragon ghost that sent me to find the tokens of good and evil. He gave me a dragon's claw but that's it. How do I get the spell?

Quote from Author: SonnBoy99
I went down and found the dragon ghost that sent me to find the tokens of good and evil. He gave me a dragon's claw but that's it. How do I get the spell?

Okay, please pardon my horrible ascii map (please note not to scale and complete but enough to give you an idea)...so you enter in from the top right hand corner of the map, which is a square going from out to in, where "X" represent when you come in and "S" is the location of the secret wall that you must go south through to get to the next area of the dragon graveyard and "@" is empty space in the middle, since the ascii map doesn't look right if I do not include the "@":

| ________X|
| |@@@@@ |
| |@@@@@| |
| |@@@@@| |
| |@@@@@| |
| |_______| |

In the second area, I believe there is a lot of empty space but a few chest and the shop to buy the spell and the stairs back up. Hopefully that helps

I like your map :D

That map takes me right back to Bard's Tale on my Sinclair Spectrum (followed by my Commador Amiga). Oh those happy carefree days when you could make a cup of coffee while the game loaded. Lol :D

Thanks wrathofvi. I found the secret wall after looking at the map more carefully. I did get the spell and found one chest with Firestaff in it. Great weapon for my Barbarian HunterDC. There was mostly empty space expect the chest at the SW corner. Did you find more than 1 chest?

I only found one chest.