Did the Rogue change(improve) while I was away? - ID: 1403

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by thecasualoblivion on 28/10/2015, 14:43:24

I hadn't played this game in a while and just came back to it. I remember not being too impressed with the Rogue the first time through. This time through, I'm noticing that the Rogue often doesn't fall out of hiding after an attack, and because of that seems much more useful. I don't remember this happening when I played before. Is this something that got changed along the way?

The higher the level the less likely for the rogue to expose itself, maybe that is it? The expansion also has thief mastery which allows starting a fight hidden at 10' per 10% of mastery.

I first remember playing 2.3x not sure about before that.