Desperately Seeking Help - Bandit's Cave - ID: 345

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Chox on 13/01/2012, 06:04:08

Great game, Mario!!! You've brought a 40+ year old back to his teens.

All of my non-spell caster characters are Level 21+ and I am stuck at Tarasz Passage (after getting the Orc Scalps). I've made it to the point where I am at a door that I can get past without something from Maruziel. So, it appears that somehow I've gotten to this point without ever finding the Bandit's Cave. Based on where I seem to encounter Bandits, I am guessing it is in the Savage Crossing but am utterly stuck. I have found an slightly SE of Savage Crossing main town that was hidden by trees and when I get near I get the hopeful "There are stairs near" but get turned around as I approach a clearing with "The path is blocked by trees". I am guessing I am missing some special item that gets me passed the tree blockade or there is another route from either the North or from the West that I haven't found.

Any guidance here would be greatly appreciated as its been a week without figuring this out though leveling up quite nicely in the swamp...


Check all the trees in Savage Crossing -- especially the ones near the road. You will soon find the path towards the cave. Good luck!

Craig from Texas

Got symbol of maruziel but still missing something to go further in taraz passage?

Quote from Author: daku
Got symbol of maruziel but still missing something to go further in taraz passage?

You have to use the symbol on the locked door. Make sure you're facing the door when you bump into it.

Has anyone managed to get into the small block of space just south and east of the Kommandants Office. I have tried to get there every way I can imagine (shatterwalls, every possible wall, retracing my steps many times, just can't get there) it's only a few squares of space, so it just might be a dead spot in the map, but I thought there might be a secret hidden in there that I had not figured out. I have already won the game, so just retracing my steps now.

I tried, too, and couldn't get in. Hopefully, it's just dead space.

In regards to the most recently posted comment, assuming you are talking about a patch of space in town...

Before clicking, be warned! If you have beaten the game, this post may bring sorrow/frustration (unless you plan on plyaing through again)

There are stories of hallowed trees near the temple at savage crossing

If thats too vague and you just want the info

There is a hidden shop: the tree to the right of the temple is the entrance to a hidden passage that wraps around the left of the village and brings you to a daytime store that sells basic non-torso, non-shield armor

Nope not asking about town...asking in bandits cave. The kommandants office borders some dead space. The shop in town I found long long ago. But there isn't much worth buying there.

Oh, I will certainly let you know if I find anything there. For right now, I am busy trying to get Gwyddon to realize that I have the sickle so he can take it from me and I can move onwards...

After retrieving the sickle from the Grave Mound, Gwyddon should wait in front of the entrance.
If that isn't the case, please send me your save game so that I can look into this.


Oh... Well, dont I feel dumb. After I found the sickle, I used "travel to beacon" the second I could. It worked just like you said it would. I wouldnt consider it a bug, but if your game(s) ever achieve the wild success that they deserve, maybe consider disabling "travel to beacon" while the scythe is in a party members inventory?

Thanks again, I really appreciate your time.

I am in need of advice too, I defeated the Highpriest in the bandit´s cave, got the symbol of maruziel but I don´t know what to do next. Is there another level in the bandit´s cave or where do I have to go next? I remember the mountains dweller area, but there is only a magic mouth who wants to know the name of a dwarven stronghold, which I don´t know. Can anybody help me out? Thanks

You can always check my walk through if you get stuck on "now what do I do?" That will also tell you the answer to the magic mouth 's question, but that opens an area which is not really your next objective.

Basically, after Gwyddon takes the sickle, he gives you the Druid Stone. With that in inventory, you can now travel further east where you were previously blocked at the east end of the east leading road from Savage Crossing where Gwyddon gave you the sickle quest. Going east there leads you to a passage to Annsharbor. (Remember to bring the Symbol of Maruziel and face the appropriate door to use it.)

Hmm, I'm having trouble here as well. I obtained the symbol of Maruziel, and hav been trying to figure out what to do with it. The road east of where Gwyddon gives you the quest to find the sickle seems to lead to the Deeper Forest only, and a tree guardian blocks my passage there (though I do have the Druid Stone, which I thought would get me past that guy, as well as into the Druid Grove temple). Anyway, in the Deeper Forest, the only doors I see are at an abandoned temple, and the door to the woodland store that sells you elvenbows and sniper arrows. Is the Symbol of Maruziel at all used in the Deeper Forest, or further East from there, where my passage is blocked by the tree guardian telling me I'm not worthy to pass?


Having the Druid Stone in inventory one of your characters is carrying should get you past the old tree guardian in the Deeper Forest who will not let you pass without it. Make sure it is not on deposit at the bank or on a character who is in the inn/camp.

The old abandoned temple comes into play later in the game.

Update: it's been too long since I had to pass the guardian. SonnBoy99 is right, you need the shard of nature to pass the guardian.

After getting the Druid Stone, you need to enter the Druid Temple and retrieve the Shard of Nature or something like that. The shard is what allows you to past the Guardian Tree past the Deep Forest.

Sorry, I was so silly--I cleared out the entire tmeple in the Druid's Grove *except* for the one area that had the shard of nature in it, and that's why I couldn't advance past the tree guardian to Annsharbor. I gotta pay more attention!!!